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Thing you want to do I want to change the row height of the DataGridView according to the content, and also decide the minimum height.
Introduction Thanks! I am an engineer in the production engineering department. According to GitLab official blog 2020.01.21, Windows Shared Runners Beta is...
What is this article I’m making an app with WPF. I searched for ** how to close the window from ViewModel **, but none of them came to my mind. Write your...
Introduction This article is intended to keep a reminder of the code of the main technical part in an attempt to somehow make Arena, the first in the game T...
I can’t raycast in the magic leap tutorial For some reason, I started to touch magic leap, so I will make a note of the troubles at that time. It is a me...
When you want to make a little desktop application with C # in such an environment that there is no Visual Studio, you can not connect to the Internet, ther...
If you include MahApps.Metro in your WPF application, it will have a modern UI for the time being. It’s easy to enter, so it’s convenient to make an app th...
Introduction I was developing an application with Blazor, and I thought that it would be easier to develop if I could apply the MVVM pattern that was done d...
Learn the Commanding section from the RRISM LIBRARY Documentation (
Learn the section ViewModelLocator from RRISM LIBRARY Documentation.
Learn the section Composite Commands from RRISM LIBRARY Documentation.
I often forget it, so I checked it and made a memorandum.
Overview I couldn’t find a good template to easily display and operate 3D shapes and 3D models in C # and save them as images, so I will introduce my own me...
.NET 5.0 will add a method to make List <T> Span <T>.
Key estimation library to use
An error that occurred when the argument of Split was enclosed in ". When using it, specify it with single quotation marks such as data.Split (',').
I tried running Official Prism Samples. It’s hard to get an image just by looking at the source, so caption the screen.
Learn the WPF View Composition ( section from the PRISM LIBRARY Documentation.
I was addicted to writing WPF XAML, so make a note. (Added on August 12, 2020) We are using .NET Framework 4.8.
Today I’ll summarize about Shopify pagination. The explanation of the code is ʻASP.Net Core 3.1 C #`.
It is a method to search the time series data stored in Amazon DynamoDB in C # by specifying the range using GSI (Global Secondary Index).
Last time [Introduction to Blazor] Blazor beginners tried to deploy with login to chat function ~ Part 1 ~ [Introduction to Blazor] Blazor beginners tried ...
Introduction It’s been about a year since Blazor was released. It seems that documents and articles are coming up, so I decided to raise my back and try it.
Last time [Introduction to Blazor] Blazor beginners tried to deploy with login to chat function ~ Part 1 ~ [Introduction to Blazor] Blazor beginners tried ...