Solution to ubuntu unable to surf the Internet after plugging in the network cable


I don’t know what’s going on recently. The ubuntu connection cable is always unavailable to the Internet, but the wifi is still available, so I haven’t fiddled with it, but today I can’t even use the wifi, so I can only start repairing it.

Repair plan#


enp2s0    Link encap:Ethernet hardware address 1c:39:47:d9:21:40  
   inet address: Broadcast: mask:
   inet6 address: fe80::f9fd:aae3:56b1:811/64 Scope:Link
   Receive packet:700 error:0 discarded:0 overload:0 frames:0
   Send packet:743 error:0 discarded:0 overload:0 carrier:0
   collision:0 Send queue length:1000 
   Receive byte:113101(113.1 KB)Send byte:61412(61.4 KB)

lo        Link encap:Local loopback
   inet address: mask:
   inet6 address:::1/128 Scope:Host
   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536 hops:1
   Receive packet:5301 error:0 discarded:0 overload:0 frames:0
   Send packet:5301 error:0 discarded:0 overload:0 carrier:0
   collision:0 Send queue length:1000 
   Receive byte:387565(387.5 KB)Send byte:387565(387.5 KB)

wlp3s0    Link encap:Ethernet hardware address b8:81:98:c9:5c:d4  
   inet address: Broadcast: mask:
   inet6 address: fe80::d069:9062:bb59:e37c/64 Scope:Link
   Receive packet:1236 error:0 discarded:0 overload:0 frames:0
   Send packet:2767 error:0 discarded:0 overload:0 carrier:0
   collision:0 Send queue length:1000 
   Receive byte:71967(71.9 KB)Send byte:281053(281.0 KB)

The first enp2s0 is the name of my Ethernet, record it for future use.

sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces

The content here should look like this:

# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)
auto lo
iface lo inet loopbac

Manually add the following at the end:

auto enp2s0
iface enp2s0 inte dhcp
sudo service network-manager restart

If it doesn't work, try to disable wifi, generally speaking, it will be solved.


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