jira7.8 report service is unavailable on centos7.4 system

Zero, environmental description

Software Version Remarks
centos 7.4 --
jira 7.8.1 --

1. Questions

RHEL v7.4 comes withpackage stix-fonts. When thispackage is installed, 
the default font changed from Utopia to STIX. 
So, java now default fonts are mapped to STIX, including the sans-serif 
font family.For whatever reason, the STIX fonts do not seem 
to play well withjava(OpenJDK) and cause 
exceptions and bad calculated artifacts 
positioning when using java.awt.

Second, the solution given in the document (in theory, font uninstallation is also possible)

vim  /etc/fonts/local.conf 
# Add the following configuration, and then restart the service
<? xml version='1.0'?><!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM 'fonts.dtd'><fontconfig><alias><family>serif</family><prefer><family>Utopia</family></prefer></alias><alias><family>sans-serif</family><prefer><family>Utopia</family></prefer></alias><alias><family>monospace</family><prefer><family>Utopia</family></prefer></alias><alias><family>dialog</family><prefer><family>Utopia</family></prefer></alias><alias><family>dialoginput</family><prefer><family>Utopia</family></prefer></alias></fontconfig>

Three, system font reference

[ root@zhuima ~10:35:20]# rpm -qa | grep stix-fonts


[ root@zhuima ~10:35:38]#

Four, reference documents

Document link: http://t.cn/EL56Bnx

5. Scope of influence

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