centos system management

1、 the term
Hard disk partition: MBR GPT
GRUB: Multi-operating system startup program
2、 Start the process

3、 centos7:
File system XFS
systemctl start/stop/restart xxx
systemctl enable/diable xx
systemctl --type service
systemctl kill --signal=9 sshd
ip address show
ip route show
4、 OSI: physical, data link, network, transmission, session, presentation, application


ls -a all

ls -d

ls -S sort by file size

ls -t sort by modification time

6、 vim

7、 /etc/passwd shadow group login.defs
useradd -b c d e p

chown -R x:x lkjldsj

chmod -R x

File default 666 directory 777

8、 rpm

rpm -q httpd

rpm -ql httpd

rpm -qi httpd

rpm -e httpd

rpm -e --nodeps httpd

rpm -ivh

rpm -uvh

tar cvf package
tar xvf

9、 fdisk -l
fdisk /dev/sdb
d delete
n new
w write
mkfs.xfs xx
mount xxx xxx
echo mount xx xx>>/etc/rc.local

10 vsftpd configuration file

11 vsftpd anonymous user configuration

12 vsftpd system user configuration

13 vsftpd virtual user configuration

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