Modify the software default source to Tencent source

Background: When building a software environment, you need to download the installation files first. Many software default sources are abroad, and the download speed is slow. In order to improve deployment efficiency, we often need to modify the software default source to be the Chinese source first. In addition, **if the server is Tencent Cloud Yes, the source can also use Tencent's intranet domain name, which is faster (note that the URL of Tencent's intranet domain name, please use http, use https is not accessible, external domain names http and https can be used) **, see the official website documentation for details :

Common pip, maven, npm, docker, mariadb, rubygems, etc. have configuration instructions on this document. In addition, here are some common software source configuration/modification methods or supplements:

1、pypi (python pip) configure domestic source##

**Please refer to **

2、 go environment configuration, download the installation file

The domain name is resolved to the country, and the URL is faster to download

3、 composer source configuration

Change the source to China (choose 1 from n)

If the server is Tencent Cloud, the source can also replace the public domain name with Tencent intranet domain name, which is faster

composer config -g repos.packagist composer

composer config -g repo.packagist composer

composer config -g repos.packagist composer

composer config -g repos.packagist composer


4、**maven source **configuration##

If the server is Tencent Cloud, the source can also replace the public domain name with Tencent intranet domain name, which is faster


Visit and search for "View" on the right side of the maven point. The accessed file is

In the middle of the document, I emphasized it again: Please use http for the URL of Tencent's intranet domain name. It cannot be accessed using https. The external domain name http and https are ok, or can


Setting method

Run the following command

npm config set registry

If the server is Tencent Cloud, the source can also replace the public domain name with Tencent intranet domain name, which is faster

6、 Restore the default mirror source

**cd /tmp && wget -q && chmod +x && ./ **

Currently, the public mirrors on the live network (except the public mirrors that have been eliminated and offline) are supported as shown in the following figure. The support is not complete, and needs to be more comprehensive. The requirements have been raised and need to be evaluated

7、 MongoDBSource##

If the server is Tencent Cloud, the source can also replace the public domain name with Tencent intranet domain name, which is faster

Visit to search mongodb and click "View" on the right. The accessed file is This document is not as fine as that of Tsinghua Yuan. Optimization requirements have been mentioned and need to be evaluated

Tsinghua source document:

8、 Nginx and php have no Tencent sources yet, the requirements have been mentioned, pending evaluation##

linux php:

windows php:

Install Nginx (centos6 needs to replace the version in baseurl to 6, centos8 to 8, but you need to comment the [AppStream] module in /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo, and then uncomment it after installation )

Execute the following command to create the nginx.repo file under /etc/yum.repos.d/

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo

Press "i" to switch to edit mode and write the following.


name=nginx repo




Press "Esc", enter ":wq!", save the file and return.

Execute the following command to install Nginx.

yum install nginx

9、 mysql source##

If the server is Tencent Cloud, the source can also replace the public domain name with Tencent intranet domain name, which is faster

Install mysql reference

Replace the download address of the .noarch.rpm file with the Tencent address

10、 mariadb source##

If the server is Tencent Cloud, the source can also replace the public domain name with Tencent intranet domain name, which is faster

vim /etc/yum.repos.d/mariadb.repo
Add the following
[ mariadb]
name = MariaDB
** baseurl =**

Installation: yum install -y mariadb-server mariadb-client

Add startup items and start services
systemctl enable mariadb
systemctl start mariadb

The focus is baseurl, according to your own system version and required mariadb version from

**If you want to use the official source of mariadb, choose the appropriate url from ** (the official source of mariadb is from abroad, it’s slower to visit in China, but Tencent source can Configure intranet domain name, faster)

In addition, you need to be reminded that the password is empty after mariadb is installed, and the command to set the password is "mysqladmin -uroot -p password password" and press Enter twice.

11、 apache source##

When downloading wget, use this source faster. If the server is Tencent Cloud, the source can also replace the public domain name with Tencent's intranet domain name, which is faster

12、 centos source##

If the server is Tencent Cloud, the source can also replace the public domain name with Tencent intranet domain name, which is faster

①Back up the old configuration files of the system

mv /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo.backup

②Enter the folder where the yum source configuration file is located

[ root@linux ~]# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/

③Download the yum source configuration file of to the above folder


wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo


wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo


wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo


wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo

④Update the cache

yum clean all
yum makecache
yum -y update pkgname

13、 gnu source##

When downloading wget, use this source faster. If the server is Tencent Cloud, the source can also replace the public domain name with Tencent's intranet domain name, which is faster

14、 For other sources, please visit to view the software source list. If there is no source you want, you can leave a message and we will internally evaluate whether it is new

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