Centos7 modify the system language to simplified Chinese


Generally, you can customize the system language when you install the system yourself. However, cloud servers are generally installed mirrors, and the default system language is English. For beginners, there may be computer vocabulary that they may not understand. Here is a brief talk about how centos7 changes the system language to Chinese.

Modify centos7 system language#

  1. View the current language pack of the department

Check that the system has language packs

locale -a
  1. Install Simplified Chinese Language Pack
yum install kde-l10n-Chinese
  1. Set to Chinese
    Temporary modification, the previous settings will be restored after restarting the server
LANG="zh_CN.UTF-8"    #Modified to Chinese
LANG="en_US.UTF-8"    #Modified to English

For permanent modification, write the configuration into the file
method one)

vi /etc/locale.conf
## Add the following content to the first line, set Chinese

Method Two)

localectl  set-locale LANG=zh_CN.UTF8


Change the time zone to Asia Shanghai

ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime

When viewing ip, bash: ifconfig: command not found solution

yum install net-tools      ##Generally this is not installed

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