Modify the default root password of the Ubuntu operating system

This article is reproduced from: [Baidu experience: modify the default password of root in Ubuntu operating system] (

One, Ubuntu
The default root password is random, that is, there is a new root password every time you boot. We can enter the command sudo passwd in the terminal, and then enter the password of the current user,

  1. The terminal will prompt us to enter and confirm a new password. The password at this time is the new root password. After the modification is successful, enter the command su root and then enter the new password.

  1. There is no default analysis, because you have not yet set a password for root. The first user is in the admin group, so he can set a password for root, so
    sudo passwd root
    [ sudo] password for you :---> Enter your password, it will not be displayed

Enter new UNIX password:

Execute in Shell after logging in with the user created during installation
sudo passwd root Enter Password:

Then enter the user password just created and press Enter
Enter new UNIX password:

At this time, enter the root password to be set twice and you will see

password updated successfully!

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