Join function in Python

The join function in Python is very powerful. It can connect strings, tuples, and list elements with specified characters (separators) to generate a new string, and the separated character can also be a string. Next Describe this function in detail.

1. grammar

1.1 string.join()

' sep'.join(seq)

**Code analysis: **

**sep: ** represents the separator, which can be a single character such as:,.-; etc., or a string such as:'abc'.

**seq: ** represents the sequence of elements to be connected, which can be a string, tuple, list, dictionary, etc.

**Note: **'sep' and seq can only be string type, not int type and float type.

**Error example 1 ('sep' is int type): **

**Error example 2 (the element in seq is of type int): **

1.2 os.path.join()


**Code analysis: **

Connect path1, path2, path3... etc. with \ to form a file path.

2. Specific examples

2.1 The sequence of elements to be connected is a string

Example 1—(The separator is a single character)

sep =" "            #Delimiter(Space)
seq ='Happy Holidays Goddess'  #The string to be concatenated
str = sep.join(seq)  #Concatenate elements in a string with a separator

got the answer:

' Happy Holidays Goddess'

Example 2—(The separator is multiple characters)

sep ="  (*^__^*)  "  #Delimiter(Space)
seq ='Happy Holidays Goddess'   #The string to be concatenated
str = sep.join(seq)   #Concatenate elements in a string with a separator

got the answer:

' Female(*^__^*)God(*^__^*)Section(*^__^*)day(*^__^*)fast(*^__^*)fun'

2.2 The sequence of elements to be connected is a list

Example 1—(The separator is a single character)

sep ="-"             #Delimiter(-)
seq =['I','2','U']   #List to connect
str = sep.join(seq)   #Connect the elements in the list with a separator

got the answer:

' I-2-U'

Example 2—(The separator is multiple characters)

sep ='-goddess-'                  #Delimiter(Multiple characters)
seq =['I','you','widely accepted','']    #List to connect
str = sep.join(seq)

got the answer:

' I-goddess-you-goddess-widely accepted-goddess-'

**Note: **Tuples are similar to lists, so I won’t go into details

2.3 The sequence of elements to be connected is a dictionary

Example 1—(The separator is a single character)

sep =" "                                 #Delimiter(Space)
seq ={'W':1,'i':2,'n':3,'k':4,'n':5}    #Dictionary to connect
str = sep.join(seq)                        #Connect the elements of the dictionary with a separator

got the answer:

' W i n k'

**Note: **The dictionary only connects keys. If there are duplicates in the keys, only the first key is kept.

Example 2—(The separator is multiple characters)

sep =" (^_-) "                          #Delimiter(Space)
seq ={'W':1,'i':2,'n':3,'k':4,'n':5}      #Dictionary to connect
str = sep.join(seq)                        #Connect the elements of the dictionary with a separator

got the answer:

' W (^_-) i (^_-) n (^_-) k'

2.4 The element to be connected is the path

Example 1:

path1 ='D:\\new folder'
path2 ='WeChat public account'
path3 ='16.Quick start python'

Path_Final = os.path.join(path1, path2, path3)

got the answer:

' D:\\new folder\\WeChat public account\\16.Quick start python'

# You can use the following statement to change the current path to Path_Final

**Note: **Difference + sign connection


got the answer:

' D:New folder WeChat public account'   #No separator

**Example 2: Look at an interesting path connection and think about why? **

path1 ='D:'
path2 ='new folder:'
path3 ='WeChat public account:'
path4 ='17.Join function in python'

Path_Final = os.path.join(path1, path2, path3, path4)

got the answer:

' D:new folder:\\WeChat public account:\\17.Join function in python'

os.path.join did not add a connector \ after path1, and added a connector after path2, indicating that it is not: the result is not adding a connector, think about why there is no connector?

3. Application of join function in practice

3.1 Use python code to decompose prime factors and print them out with join function

num =int(input())                       #Enter the number you want to decompose prime factors
factor_list =[]                         #Set to save the list of prime factors
def factor_fun(n):for i inrange(2, n+1):              #Construct a loop for finding prime factors
  if n%i ==0:                     #If n can divide i, add i to the list of prime factors
   factor_list.append(i)if n!=i:                     #If i is not equal to n, and i is a factor of n, divide n by i to get the new number and call factor_fun function
    factor_fun(int(n/i))return factor_list
c =factor_fun(num)                     #Call functions
print(num,'=', end=' ',sep =' ')print('*'.join('%s'%id for id in factor_list))  #Put factor_Convert the numeric data in the list into characters, use*connection

**Enter 50 to get the result: **


3.2 Use the join function to form a new path based on the current path

import os     #Import path module
os.getcwd()   #Get current path
data_save = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'data_save')  #Get the current path and combine the new path

got the answer:

' C:\\Users\\Administrator\\29_Join function in python\\data_save'

3.3 Find 0. The absolute path and name of the latest file in the overall official account design directory

import os
import time
file_dir=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath('.'))+'\\0.Overall public account design'    #Get path
lists=os.listdir(file_dir)                                            #Get the file name under the path
lists.sort(key=lambda fn:os.path.getatime(file_dir+"\\"+fn))          #Sort all file names in the output directory by modification time
file=os.path.join(file_dir,lists[-1])                                 #The absolute path and name of the last file in the output list

got the answer:

' D:\\new folder\\WeChat public account\\0.Overall public account design\\Seek attention to pictures.pptx'

Through the code in 3.3, batch operations can be performed on files in a certain folder.

This article is some of my opinions after using the join function. Please correct me if there is any inappropriateness.

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