Python built-in function -compile()

Python's built-in function compile()--compile.

**What's the use of this function? One of the simplest examples is our code, which will be read by the interpreter. The interpreter reads it as a string, and then it is compiled by compile and converted into python-recognizable code. .So python can be executed. **

**Here is an example, which is to compile a string of str into python code through compile. The details are as follows: **

Reference from

Execute a function represented by a string and provide global variables for the function##

The content of this article can be seen from the title, which is to prepare for the subsequent analysis of the tornado template. It is also due to the clever use of this knowledge point, so I will use a separate article to introduce it. Not much nonsense, just go to the code:

#! usr/bin/env python
# coding:utf-8
namespace ={'name':'wupeiqi','data':[18,73,84]}
code ='''def hellocute():return  "name %s ,age %d" %(name,data[0],) '''
func =compile(code,'<string>',"exec")
exec func in namespace
result = namespace['hellocute']()
print result

The execution result of this code is: name wupeiqi, age 18

Analysis of the above code:

This code is used very cleverly and blindly. It turns the string into a function and also provides global variables for the function. For this function, it is the most important part of the template language part of the python web framework, because in the template processing process, the html file is first read, then the html file is divided, and then the divided files form a string representation The function, and then the function that uses the above method to perform the string representation.

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