Ubuntu19.10 compile and run C language program

Ubuntu19.10 comes with gcc, if you don’t have one, install the gcc compiler first:

sudo apt install build-essential

Create a C language program file:

vim Hello.c

Enter the code, whatever you want, just run it:

# include <stdio.h>
# include <math.h>
int main(){for( float y =1.3; y >=-1.1; y -=0.06){for( float x =-1.2; x <=1.2; x +=0.025){if(pow((x*x+y*y-1.0),3)- x*x*y*y*y <=0.0)printf(" ");elseprintf("*");}printf("\n");}return0;}

Next compile the file:

gcc -o Hello Hello.c -lm

- o is to determine the name of the output file, the first Hello is the name of the output file, which can be customized.
- The lm option tells the compiler that the mathematical functions used in our program should be found in this library file.

Attach the meaning of commonly used parameters:

lc is link libc
lm is link libm
lz is link libz

After the compilation is complete, enter the execution command:

. /Hello

Can output:

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