Compile and install QEMU under Ubuntu

Compile and install QEMU under Ubuntu

Due to environmental requirements, QEMU 2.1.2 was manually compiled and installed in the ubuntu14.04 environment today.

QEMU download address:

The specific download and decompression steps will not be repeated here, mainly referring to some dependent packages prepared by the environment. The most important thing to compile QEMU is gcc, so we need to install gcc first.

root@localhost:~# apt-get install gcc-3.4 cpp-3.4

The installation of QEMU requires the support of the SDL development library, as well as the installation of zlib and ESD:

root@localhost:~# apt-get install zlib1g-dev zlib1g-dbg libesd0-dev automake

So far, the prerequisites for installing QEMU have been resolved. Now we can start to compile and install.

root@localhost:~# cd qemu-2.1.2/
root@localhost:~# ./configure
root@localhost:~# make && make install

The time of make is very slow, I calculated it about 1 hour.

Let me talk about the problems and solutions I encountered in the process of compiling QEMU:

Error type:
make: *** [/root/qemu-2.1.2/pixman/configure] Error 127

apt-get install -y automake

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