Solutions to the black screen when installing ubuntu (3 types)

The graphics card of my computer is Nvidia graphics card~

After restarting, the screen displays "input is not supported". This is because ubuntu supports graphics cards. You need to manually add the graphics card option: nomodeset to support Nvidia series graphics cards.

method one

When entering the installation, move the cursor to "install ubuntu", press "e" to enter the editing mode, enter the command line mode, find "quite splash" and remove "–", add "nomodeset" (different graphics card driver options according to different graphics cards Add, we are using Nvidia graphics card, add nomodeset) F10 installation

Method Two

When the installation is over, a black screen appears when starting the system

Press and hold shift when booting, the grub screen appears, press "'e"' to enter the mode of editing boot instructions (or press "e" directly when booting), and also find "'quitesplash"' and add "nomodeset" after it, Press "F10" to start the system

Method three

Press shift on boot, select "recovery model", and open the terminal after entering the system

sudo vi /etc/default/grub

Press'ℹ' to enter the editing mode of vim

# change into:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset"

Press "esc", enter ":wq!" (with a colon) to save and exit, update grub

sudo update-grub

Before restarting, we found that the computer screen resolution is not optimal (if the resolution is normal, don’t use it)

Click "System Settings—>Software and Update—>Additional Drivers" in the upper right corner to select the Nvidia driver

Restart the computer.

Ubuntu16.04 installation is complete.

The above is the whole content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study.

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