The road to reinstallation of ubuntu 18.04 from scratch

I will open a big pit in the next days. It’s not a big pit that I opened for myself. Because my windows10+ubuntu18.04 system has some failures, I was forced to reinstall the ubuntu 18.04 system. QAQ tells everyone with my own vivid examples. Don't die...

It is said that when emmm first installed the dual system, it wanted to write a record, but at the time I thought that it was installed anyway and in retrospect, there was nothing to say. In fact, it was because I was lazy... and did not record it. As a result, this time gave me a chance to do more recording? But I'm not happy, QAQ

However, XD seems to have gained quite a bit after a trip. It seems to have a deeper understanding of the entire computer system. It seems like you have understood it before, and you still want to go to the computer system of Jike? Please don't be dead QAQ

How can I say that people who have seen the big scene after 2333 can't even start the GUI, it doesn't matter. 2333 probably can make money for others by repairing the computer? (It's a blessing in disguise if you make a mistake!

In the future, you must make a backup QAQ and hope that the successor will take it as a warning, how can you have a successor if you die like this!

Show the current desktop!

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This work is licensed by idealclover under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share in the Same Way 4.0 International License Agreement. Please indicate the source for reprinting

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