A centos initialization script


It's a script I wrote boringly, welcome to use, star, fork and follow me by the way



This is for the minimally installed centos. It has been tested on centos 7.5. Of course, other centos systems generally have no problems. Feedback, testing and suggestions are welcome.

First download the script

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bboysoulcn/centos/master/centos.sh

Modify execution permissions afterwards

chmod +x centos.sh

Execute after

[ root@bboysoul-centos ~]# ./centos.sh
Powered by bboysoul
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Hostname: bboysoul-centos
Virtualization is not supported
Cpu model:Intel(R)Xeon(R)CPU E5620
Memory:3790 M
Swap:3071 M
Kernel version:  CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804(Core)**********************************1) install_software    5) set_hostname       9) install_ohmyzsh
2) install_python      6) close_selinux     10) add_user
3) set_static_ip       7) install_docker    11) exit
4) close_firewalld     8) change_swap       12) help:

There are currently the following small functions

Feedback bug ### is welcome


[email protected]

If you have good suggestions and comments, you can also mention

Welcome to follow Bboysoul's blog www.bboysoul.com

Have Fun

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