(1) Centos7 installation to build a cluster environment

Virtual machine installation##

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1A4zs_oY6vstDLcJaEkC63w
Extraction code: y8y8

centos7 installation package, one-click installation after downloading##

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1MFzXkPWYUJuDiBT1jw2ThQ
Extraction code: y8y8

Customize installation configuration

Set the root login password, enter the virtual machine, and clone two full nodes

Completely cloned three nodes.png

vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33
Gateway configuration:

cd /etc/sysconfig/
vi network
Add to

Turn off the firewall:

Turn off software installation restrictions:
vi /etc/selinux/config

Change the host name:
vi /etc/hosts
Add ip hostname, such as host1 host2 host3

Restart the virtual machine:

ping www.baidu.com or own ip address (you can check ifconfig)
If the ping succeeds, there is no problem, and the other two nodes can do the same.

The latest version of Centos7 has vim installed by default, you can use the command to check whether it is installed
rpm -qa|grep vim
The output is as follows. If there is no output, install vim:
yum -y install vim*
After the installation is complete, start configuring vim
vim /etc/vimrc
After opening the file, press i to enter the editing mode, and then find a place to add the following code
set nu "Set the display line number
set showmode "Set to display the current mode at the bottom of the command line interface, etc.
set ruler "displays information such as the line number of the cursor in the lower right corner
set autoindent "Set each time you click the Enter key, when the cursor moves to the next line, it will align with the starting character of the previous line
"syntax on" means to set up syntax detection. When editing C or Shell scripts, keywords will be displayed in special colors
After adding, press Esc, then enter
: wq
Exit and save

SecureCRT installation configuration##

Reference: http://www.xue51.com/soft/36210.html

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