Complete steps to realize face recognition login in Ubuntu

1、 Install Howdy: howdy project address

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:boltgolt/howdy
sudo apt update
sudo apt install howdy

2、 Add your own face

sudo howdy add


Enter a label forthisnewmodel[Initial model](max 24 characters): tiger
Camera path is not configured correctly, please edit the 'device_path' config value.
Exception ignored in:<bound method VideoCapture.__del__ of<recorders.video_capture.VideoCapture object at 0x7f6bc5be02b0>>Traceback(most recent call last):
 File "/lib/security/howdy/recorders/", line 55,in __del__
AttributeError:'VideoCapture' object has no attribute 'internal'


$ sudo apt-get install v4l-utils
# View camera path
$ v4l2-ctl --list-devices
USB 2.0 Camera: USB Camera(usb-0000:03:00.0-14):/dev/video0
$ sudo howdy config
# Next change the device in config_path =/dev/video0
$ sudo howdy add
Adding face model for the user tiger
Enter a label forthisnewmodel[Initial model](max 24 characters): tiger

Please look straight into the camera
Scan complete

Added a newmodel to tiger

3、 test

Open a terminal

$ sudo -i
Identified face as tiger
$ sudo howdy test

Opening a window with a test feed

Press ctrl+C inthis terminal to quit
Click on the image to enable or disable slow mode

Closing window

4、 After the screen is locked, enter into the password input interface, and the program will recognize the person and unlock it directly.

5、 Other commands


howdy [-U user][-y] command [argument]
Command Description
add Add a new face model for an user
clear Remove all face models for an user
config Open the config file in your default editor
disable Disable or enable howdy
list List all saved face models for an user
remove Remove a specific model for an user
snapshot Take a snapshot of your camera input
test Test the camera and recognition methods
version Print the current version number

to sum up

This is the end of this article about implementing Face Recognition login in Ubuntu. For more relevant Ubuntu facial recognition login content, please search for previous articles on ZaLou.Cn or continue to browse related articles below I hope you will support ZaLou.Cn a lot in the future!

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