Steps to add toolkit for Matlab_Linux under ubuntu

The following takes rvctools as an example

The specific operations are as follows:

  1. First unzip the downloaded compressed package ( to get the tool package rvctools

  2. Copy the toolkit to the toolbox folder under MATLAB, it is generally impossible to copy the toolkit into it, you need to add authorization

① First enter the following path /usr/local/MATLAB/R2017a

② Enter sudo chmod 777 toolbox in the terminal

③ At this time, you can put the toolkit rvctools into the toolbox

  1. Then open MALTAB, find set path, and set the path of the toolkit

  1. Click Add Folder to add the path (toolkit rvctools)

  1. After the addition is complete, click Save. At this time, you will be prompted to add pathdef.m to what path, then click cancel, and then enter sudo chmod 777 -R toolbox in the terminal, and then click Save again.

  2. Then click Preference on Set Path

  1. In the Preference interface, click General in the left column, then click Update Toolbox path cache diagnostics, and finally click apply -> OK.

  1. At this time, enter startup_rvc in MATLAB to start the rvc toolkit to see if it can work normally. If there is output, then enter rtbdemo to test whether the demo program inside can be started.

to sum up

The above is the operation steps of adding toolkit under ubuntu introduced by the editor. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please leave me a message. The editor will reply to you in time. Thank you very much for your support to the ZaLou.Cn website!

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