How to debug python program using repr

Generally, when debugging a program, print is more inclined to use direct printing to make judgments, but print can only print out the results, and cannot judge the type. E.g:

Copy code
a = 5
b = ‘5’

The result is:
Copy code
For a and b are the same on the surface, it may default to a == b

In fact, a is of type int and b is of type string

Use repr to see the result:

Copy code
a = 5
b = ‘5’

The result is:
Copy code
For dynamic python objects, it is also very convenient to use repr:

Copy code
class OpenClass(object):
def init(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y

obj = OpenClass(2,3)

The result is: <main.OpenClass object at 0x101cb7390

Copy code
Rebuild the object with repr:

Copy code
class OpenClass(object):
def init(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y

def repr(self):
return ‘OpenClass(%d,%d)’%(self.x, self.y)
obj = OpenClass(2,3)

The result is: OpenClass(2,3)

Copy code
For print, only easy-to-read information can be printed, but the type cannot be displayed

repr displays the type and concisely displays the data information

The above is the whole content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study.

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