The list is very suitable for storing data sets that may change during the running of the program.
The list can be modified, but the tuple is unmodifiable
Python calls immutable values that cannot be modified, and immutable lists are called tuples
1. Tuple creation and deletion
(1) Use the assignment operator to directly create a tuple
tuplename =(element1, element2, element3,....)
In Python, tuples use a pair of parentheses to enclose all the elements, but the parentheses are not necessary, as long as a set of values are separated by commas, Python can make it a tuple.
verse ="Fishing boat singing night","Mountain stream","Water lotus","Han Palace Qiuyue" #Tuple
If there is only one element in the tuple to be created, you need to add a comma after the element, otherwise Python makes it a string.
verse1 =('A piece of ice in the jade pot') #String
verse2 =('A piece of ice in the jade pot',) #Tuple
(2) Create an empty tuple
emptytuple =()
(3) Create a numeric tuple
You can use the tuple() function to directly convert the looped result of the range() function into a numeric tuple
data-Iterable object
(4) Delete tuples
del tuplename
The del statement is not commonly used in actual development, because Python’s built-in garbage collection mechanism will automatically destroy unused tuples, so even if we don’t delete them manually, Python will automatically recycle them.
2. Access tuple elements
Through for loop
coffee_name =('Blue Mountain','Cappuccino','Mandheling','Mocha','Civet','Colombia')print('Hello, welcome~Imi Cafe~\nOur shop has:')for name in coffee_name:print(name,"coffee", end=' ')'''
Hello and welcome~ Yimi Cafe~
My shop has:
Blue Mountain Coffee Cappuccino Coffee Mandheling Coffee Mocha Coffee Civet Coffee Colombian Coffee
for + enumerate()
This function is used to combine a traversable data object (such as a list, tuple) into an index sequence, and list data and data subscripts at the same time. It is generally used in a for loop.
team =('rocket','warrior','pioneer','Thunder','Jazz','Spurs')for index, item inenumerate(team):if index %2==0:print(item +'\t\t', end='')else:print(item)
Rocket Warrior
Trailblazer Thunder
Jazz Spurs
3. Modify the elements of the tuple
A tuple is an immutable sequence, so we cannot modify its individual element value. Modified by reassigning tuples.
Tuples and tuples can be connected, but both of them must be tuples, otherwise it is wrong. When the tuple to be connected has only one element, do not forget the comma.
4. Tuple comprehension
import random
random_number =(random.randint(10,100)for i inrange(10))
< generator object <genexpr at 0x0000021A177BDED0 #Generator object
tuple(random_number) #Convert to tuple(28,63,34,98,96,36,87,35,25,44)
It can be seen from the execution results above that the result generated by using the tuple comprehension is not a tuple or list, but a generator object, which is different from the list comprehension.
To convert the generator object into a tuple, use the tuple() method, and convert it into a list, use the list() method.
Example 1:
# by__next()__Method traversal
# In Python2.x in__next()__The method corresponds to next()Methods are also used to traverse the generator object.
number =(i for i inrange(3))
< generator object <genexpr at 0x0000021A1781EA20
number.__next__()Traceback(most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#11 ", line 1,in<module
StopIteration #Stop iteration
Example 2:
# Traverse through the for loop
number =(i for i inrange(4))
< generator object <genexpr at 0x0000021A1781EA98for i in number:print(i, end='')0123print(tuple(number))()
It can be seen from the above two examples: no matter which method of traversal, if you want to use the generator object again, you must recreate a generator object, because the generator object does not exist after the traversal.
5. The difference between tuples and lists
(1) The list is mutable, and the tuple is immutable, unless the whole is replaced.
(2) The list can be added and deleted with append(), extend(), insert(), remove(), pop(), but tuples do not have these methods.
(3) The list supports modification and access through trimming, while tuples only support access, not modification. When no modification is required, it is recommended to use tuples.
(4) Tuples are faster to access and process than lists.
(5) Lists cannot be used as dictionary keys, but tuples can.
The above is the detailed content of the use of python tuples. For more information about the use of python tuples, please pay attention to other related articles on ZaLou.Cn!
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