How python was invented

The founder of Python is the Dutchman Guido van Rossum. During the Christmas period of 1989, in Amsterdam, Guido was determined to develop a new script interpreter in order to pass the boring Christmas, as an inheritance of the ABC language. The reason why Python (meaning boa constrictor) was chosen as the name of the programming language was taken from the British TV comedy "Monty Python's Flying Circus" that was first broadcast in the 1970s.

ABC is a teaching language designed by Guido. As far as Guido himself is concerned, the language ABC is very beautiful and powerful, and it is designed for non-professional programmers. However, the ABC language did not succeed. Guido believes that it was caused by its non-openness. Guido is determined to avoid this mistake in Python. At the same time, he also wants to realize something that has flashed in ABC but has not been realized.

In this way, Python was born in the hands of Guido. It can be said that Python developed from ABC and was mainly influenced by Modula-3 (another very beautiful and powerful language designed for small groups). And it combines the habits of Unix shell and C.

Python has become one of the most popular programming languages. Since 2004, the usage rate of python has increased linearly. Python2 was released on October 16, 2000, and the stable version is Python 2.7. Python3 was released on December 3, 2008 and is not fully compatible with Python 2. In January 2011, it was named the 2010 Language of the Year by the TIOBE Programming Language Ranking.

Ask friends who have learned the Python language, what are its attractions? Most people think that it is a language that is easy to learn, easy to read and easy to maintain. That's why many users like to use and learn it. It is really a widely used language.

The most basic syntax of the Python language is: indentation, control statements, expressions, functions, object methods, types, and mathematical operations. Only after learning the basic grammar of python, can you start the learning of formal applications, such as: graphics processing, mathematical processing, text processing, database, WEB programming, crawlers, and so on.

Python3 is currently the latest version, but many people still like to learn from Python 2. Because it has been mentioned before that the third-party support of python 3 is not perfect, we will encounter inexplicable problems in the learning process. It is better to start learning from the already well-established python 2. The transition to python 3 is also very simple.

Knowledge point expansion:

When programmers write code, they will use a variety of programming languages, such as JAVA, C++, C#, PHP, Go, etc. In the past few years, with the popularity of artificial intelligence, the status of Python has risen steadily. In May 2017, Python was launched in Tiobe. The ranking rose to fourth and became the new favorite of programmers.

Who created the "glue language" of "Python"? Why was it named "Python"? Today I will introduce a great programmer, Guido van Rossum, who founded the Python language at the age of 35. Known as the "Father of Python".

Guido van Rossum is a Dutch. In 1982, Guido van Rossum received a master's degree in mathematics and computer science from the University of Amsterdam. In 1989 he founded the python language. In early 1991, python announced its first public release. Guido moved to the United States from the Netherlands in 1995. Guido started working for Google in 2005. He wrote Mondrian, a web-oriented code browsing tool for Google in Python, and then developed Rietveld. Guido now works at Dropbox.

So far, this article on how python was invented is introduced. For more information about how python appeared, please search for ZaLou.Cn's previous articles or continue to browse related articles below. Hope you will support ZaLou more in the future. Cn!

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