Lesson 002 ubuntu environment construction and ubuntu graphical interface operation (free)

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Section 001 *New Directory *New and Edit File#

First understand the Ubuntu toolbar. After installing Ubuntu and entering the graphical interface, there are 10 tool icons by default on the left, plus the music player and video player we will install later. The introduction of the 12 tools is as follows:

The graphical interface operation of Linux is basically the same as that of Windows. Operations such as creating new folders, creating new text files, editing, and deleting are almost the same. The common operations of the two are compared as follows:

Operation Windows system graphical interface Ubuntu system graphical interface
New folder Right-click menu Right-click menu
Enter folder Double click the right mouse button Double click the right mouse button
New text file Right-click menu Right-click menu
Open the text file Notepad, then edit in Chinese and English gedit editor, then edit in Chinese and English
Delete file delete key to move the file to the recycle bin, shift+delete key to delete directly delete key to move the file to the recycle bin, shift+delete key to delete directly

Section 002 _word_excel_ppt operation#

There is also a similar office software for Windows-LibreOffice in Ubuntu. It contains three sets of Word, Excel and PPT.

Editing and saving documents in it are almost the same, and there is almost no difference in daily use.

Note: Ubuntu does not install the Chinese input method by default. The input method is installed by us for everyone. Use the shortcut key Shift+Ctrl to switch.

Section 003 Picture ViewingMusic Play_Video Play#

Picture Viewer##

In Ubuntu, double-click the image file, and the image viewer is used by default to open the image file. Support common jpg, png, bmp formats.

play music##

Ubuntu has its own Rhythbox player, but the support for Chinese is not very good. Audacious is recommended here.

Select Chinese in Services->Plugins…->Playlist->Compatibility.

Import the audio file again, and the Chinese will be displayed correctly.

Video play##

Open the video file with SMPlayer to watch the video.

Section 004 Network SettingsWeb BrowsingListening to Songs OnlineWatching Videos Online#

Network settings##

Ubuntu's network settings are not easy for beginners to grasp, and it is also a problem that Baiwen.com has frequently answered in recent years.

  1. First, ensure that Windows can access the Internet normally, for example, open a browser to browse the web normally.
  2. Then set up the virtual machine software:

::2.1 Open the virtual machine software, in "'Player"'->"'Management"'->"'Virtual Machine Settings'"', or use the shortcut key "Ctrl"+"D".

::2.2 First select the network adapter option, and check "Connected" and "Connected at startup" in the "Device Status" on the right. In the "Network Connections" box, select "Bridge Mode". As a beginner, you don't need to understand the meaning of "bridge mode" for the time being, knowing that this is the easiest choice for a virtual machine to connect to the network.


::2.3 Then click the "Configure Adapter" button, and in the pop-up window, select the actual network card of your computer. If you don’t know your network card, you can right-click on the network in the lower right corner of your computer, click "Open Network and Sharing Center", and then click "Change Adapter", you can see your own "Local Area Connection", right-click the local connection and select Properties. I know the network card I used when I connected.



  1. Set up Ubuntu:

::3.1 Click the system settings icon, select "Network", and click "Options" in the lower right corner.

::3.2 Click the "IPv4 Settings" tab and select "Automatic(DHCP)". At the same time, check whether the DHCP service is enabled on the virtual machine: Press the "Windows" + "R" keys at the same time in Windows, enter "services.msc", and start the "VMware DHCP Service".

  1. Verify that you can connect to the Internet:
    Enter ifconfig to view the assigned IP address. This may be different for everyone.

If it is normal, you can see related information.

Web surfing##

After setting up the previous network, you can access Baidu, the external network through Ubuntu's Firefox browser.

Network Listening Song##

"NetEase Cloud Music" is recommended for listening to songs online. Enter "NetEase Cloud Music" in the browser, after entering the homepage, click to download the Linux client (Ubuntu16.04 64-bit), download and save, and then click the downloaded installation package and enter the password to install it.
If the installation process is slow, consider increasing the amount of memory and processors in the virtual machine.

After the installation is complete, enter "NetEase" in the Ubuntu searcher to see the NetEase Cloud Music application. After that, it can be used normally like Windows.

Online video##

Enter the video you want to watch on the web page and find the video playback website, such as Tencent Video. After opening the video webpage, it prompts "Flash plug-in has expired and the video cannot be played". At this time, Flash needs to be upgraded. Click "Upgrade Flash Plug-in" to install Flash, and then play the video normally.

Section 005_ubuntu software download center#

Now explain the software center, after opening, enter "audaclous" in the search box, you can see the software, click "Installing" in the software list, and enter the user password to install the software
After installation, if you click "Removing" in the list again, you can delete the software.

The Ubuntu Software Center is almost a "dumb" operation, I believe you can master it.

Similarly, search for "smplayer" to download video player software.

Section 006_ubuntu system settings detailed explanation#

The following is a detailed explanation of the Ubuntu system settings.
Ubuntu's settings are divided into three major parts:

Personal (personal), Hardware (hardware), System (system).

Personal includes:

English Chinese Function
Appearance Appearance You can set desktop wallpaper, etc.
Brightness&Lock Brightness&Lock Screen You can set the lock screen time
Language Support Language Support Installation Setting Language
Online Accounts Online Accounts Explain later when you use it
Security&Privacy Security&Privacy Explain later when you use it
Text Entry Text Entry Input Method Settings

Hardware contains:

English Chinese Function
Bluetooth Bluetooth Explain later when you use it
Color Color Explain later when you use it
Displays Display Resolution can be set
Keyboard Keyboard Keyboard Related
Mouse&Touchpad Mouse&Touchpad Set the left and right mouse buttons, etc.
Network Network Network settings have been explained before
Power Power supply Explain later when you use it
Printers Printers Explain later when you use it
Sound Sound Set the sound size, etc.
Wacom Tablet Wacom Tablet Explain later when you use it

System contains:

English Chinese Function
Backups Backup Explain later when you use it
Details Details There is information about Ubuntu
Software&Updates Software&Update Installation and Update of Software
Time&Date Time&Date Set system time and date, etc.
Universal Access Universal Accessibility Explained later when you use it
User Accounts User Accounts Explain later when you use it

Section 007_Linux directory structure first experience#

Open Ubuntu's file browser, the default entry is the home directory.
In Windows, there are concepts such as C drive, D drive, E drive, which drive you need to enter, double-click to enter.
Under Ubuntu, double-click the folder to enter the corresponding directory. Click on Computer to see many directories, which will be explained later.

The tree structure of Ubuntu is as follows:

What is the directory structure of Ubuntu (Centos/Redhat and other Linux distributions)?
All follow the FHS standard.

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