Tencent Cloud ubuntu 16.04 ZenTao integrated environment construction

Tencent Cloud ubuntu 16.04 ZenTao integrated environment construction###

Server system: ubuntu16.04
Zen Tao Version: Version 12.4.3

ZenTao Installation Address##

ZenTao Linux installation address

Zen Tao email sending##

The first is to deploy Zen Tao on the virtual machine (Ubuntu16.04): everything is normal.
The ZenTao background sending configuration is as follows:

The picture borrows a picture from the Internet, the problem is the same;

Make sure, ping, telnet, SELinux are all normal;

If the command cannot be executed, please install the package according to the Ubuntu prompt apt install, and then execute it;

Configure host

cd etc/
sudo vim hosts

Add as follows

Test, send email, if the email still prompts failure, you need to check if Tencent Cloud 25 port is open;

Solution to port 25###

1、 Log in to the Tencent Cloud Management Console;
2、 Move the mouse to your username in the top menu bar, and it will automatically pop up and drop down, click "25 port unblock"
As shown below:

3、 Click "Apply for Port 25 Unblocking"

Then, click test again, Zen Tao, and it will be notified that the sending is successful within 1s;

ZenTao background start supervisor

root@VM-66-91-ubuntu:/etc/supervisor/conf.d# cat zentao.conf 
[ program:zentao]
command=/opt/zbox/zbox start    

View at the supervisor UI address;

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