ubuntu16.04 Sogou input method/Google Pinyin input method

Copyright statement: This article is original and integrated for bloggers, welcome to reprint, and indicate the source. https://blog.csdn.net/jiangchao3392/article/details/73650710

Hardware platform: NVIDIA Jetson TX2

System platform: Ubuntu16.04 LTS

sogou Input:

1 , Sogou's official website to download Sogou input method


2 , Install, right-click to install.

3 , Restart, that's it

Google Pinyin input method

1, By instruction:

sudo apt-get install fcitx-googlepinyin

2 , Set the keyboard input method system to fcitx in settings -> language support

3 , Restart

In settings-> Text Entry, add input source, search google-pinyin, and add.

4 , Press Ctrl + Space to switch between Chinese and English input

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