Python is mainly used in which directions

Python has a wide range of applications, whether it is web development, data capture, operation and maintenance testing, you can use it to achieve, let's take a look specifically:

Web application development

Python is often used for web development. For example, through the mod_wsgi module, Apache can run Web programs written in Python. Python defines the WSGI standard application interface to coordinate the communication between the Http server and Python-based Web programs. Some web frameworks, such as Django, TurboGears, web2py, Zope, etc., allow programmers to easily develop and manage complex web programs.

Automation scripts for operating system management and server operation and maintenance

In many operating systems, Python is a standard system component. Most Linux distributions and NetBSD, OpenBSD, and MacOSX have integrated Python, and you can run Python directly in the terminal. There are some installers for Linux distributions written in Python, such as Ubuntu's Ubiquity installer, RedHatLinux and Fedora's Anaconda installer. GentooLinux uses Python to write its Portage package management system. The Python standard library contains multiple libraries that call operating system functions. Through the third-party software package pywin32, Python can access Windows COM services and other Windows APIs. Using IronPython, Python programs can directly call .NetFramework. Generally speaking, system management scripts written in Python are superior to ordinary shell scripts in terms of readability, performance, code reuse, and scalability.

Desktop software

PyQt, PySide, wxPython, and PyGTK are powerful tools for rapid development of desktop applications in Python.

Server software (network software)

Python has perfect support for various network protocols, so it is often used to write server software and web crawlers. The third-party library Twisted supports asynchronous network programming and most standard network protocols (including client and server), and provides a variety of tools, which are widely used to write high-performance server software.


Many games use C++ to write graphics display and other high-performance modules, while Python or Lua is used to write game logic and servers. Compared with Python, Lua has simpler functions and smaller size; while Python supports more features and data types.

Idea realization, early product prototype and iteration

YouTube, Google, Yahoo! , NASA uses Python extensively internally.

Operating system management, automated operation and maintenance development

In many operating systems, Python is a standard system component. Most Linux distributions, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and Mac OS X integrate Python, and you can run Python directly in the terminal.

There are some installers for Linux distributions written in Python, such as the Ubiquity installer for Ubuntu, the Anaconda installer for Red Hat Linux and Fedora, and so on.

Knowledge point expansion:

Python's employment direction

1. Routine software development

Python supports functional programming and OOP object-oriented programming, and can undertake any kind of software development work. Therefore, conventional software development, scripting, network programming, etc. are all standard capabilities.

Now, the average salary of Python development engineers has reached a monthly salary of more than 20,000 yuan, which is definitely a direction worth choosing.

2. Scientific Computing

With the development of NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, Enthoughtlibrarys and many other libraries, Python is more and more suitable for scientific calculations and drawing high-quality 2D and 3D images.

Compared with Matlab, the most popular commercial software in the field of scientific computing, Python is a general programming language. It has a wider range of applications than the scripting language used by Matlab and is supported by more libraries.

Although many advanced functions and toolboxes in Matlab are currently irreplaceable, there are still a lot of tasks in daily scientific research and development that can be done with Python.

3. Automated operation and maintenance

This is almost a place for Python applications. As the programming language of choice for operation and maintenance engineers, Python has been deeply rooted in automated operation and maintenance. For example, Saltstack and Ansible are both well-known automation platforms.

Since automation operation and maintenance engineers are scarce positions, the general salary can reach more than 15,000 yuan, and it is easy for engineers with 5 years of experience to earn more than 300,000 yuan per year.

4. cloud computing

The open source cloud computing solution OpenStack is developed based on Python, and all students who engage in cloud computing understand it.

5. web development

Not too many web development frameworks based on Python, such as the familiar Django, Tornado, Flask. Among them, the Python+Django architecture has a very wide range of applications, a very fast development speed, and a low learning threshold, which can help you quickly build usable WEB services.

6. Web Crawler

Also known as web spiders, it is the core tool for the big data industry to obtain data. Without web crawlers to crawl free data on the Internet automatically, day and night, and with high intelligence, those big data-related companies may be less than three-quarters.

There are many programming languages that can write web crawlers, but Python is definitely one of the mainstream, and its Scripy crawler framework is very widely used.

The salary of the crawler engineer is also more than 20,000 yuan, which is worth choosing the direction of study.

7. data analysis

On the basis of a large amount of data, combined with scientific computing, machine learning and other technologies, data cleaning, deduplication, standardization and targeted analysis are the cornerstones of the big data industry. Python is one of the mainstream languages for data analysis.

Due to the rise of big data, the demand for data analysis talents is also rising. Because data analysis is used in almost all industries and companies, there are a lot of jobs for data analysis, and there are more than 16.7% of practitioners with a monthly salary of more than 20K, which is a direction worth investing in.

8. artificial intelligence

Python is a mainstream programming language in machine learning, neural networks, and deep learning in the field of artificial intelligence, and it has been widely supported and applied.

Needless to say the direction of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence is our national strategy for the future. Among the students in Dane, those who are employed in artificial intelligence generally have a salary of more than 16,000 yuan, and all of them have entered large enterprises. The future development is promising.

So far, this article on which directions python is mainly used for is introduced here. For more related content of the direction that python is used for, please search for ZaLou.Cn's previous articles or continue to browse the related articles below. Hope you will support ZaLou more in the future. Cn!

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