Build a Minecraft Bedrock Edition server (Ubuntu)

On September 11, 2018, Mojang released an early alpha version of the official Bedrock Edition server software.

It is in the early stages of development, so like any early release software, it may have serious problems.

Bedrock Dedicated Server is free and open source, and can be used for free, including commercial use.

Into the title:

To start a Minecraft Bedrock Edition server, you need:

Step 1: Connect to the server##

Step 2: Execute basic instructions

Get root privileges

sudo -i

Update system:

apt-get update

Install the necessary software:

apt-get install wget screen unzip -y

The third step: directory preparation##

Enter the home directory

cd /home

Create bds folder

mkdir bds

Enter the bds folder

cd bds

The fourth step: file preparation##

Download server:

sudo wget

Unzip the server:


Step 5: Open service##

Hang the background:

screen -S bds

Give permission:

sudo chmod 777./*

Open service:


Then press Ctrl+ad to suspend the screen

Step 5: Play

Connection test:
Add your server in the game
Server name: whatever
Server address: your ip
Server port: 19132


Server configuration file (you can modify it yourself):
If you don’t understand, you can download this translated reference file: Control

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