Python telnet login function implementation code

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For source code, please refer to: starnightcyber/scripts

The TelnetClient class is mainly used to encapsulate the basic operations of logging in and executing commands.

The source code is as follows, or please check: scripts/telnet/

The telnet protocol is a member of the TCP/IP protocol suite, and is the standard protocol and main method of the Internet remote login service. It provides users with the ability to complete remote host work on the local computer. Use the telnet program on the end user's computer to connect to the server.

Terminal users can enter commands in the telnet program, and these commands will run on the server, just like directly typing on the server's console, and the server can be controlled locally. To start a telnet session, you must enter a user name and password to log in to the server. Telnet is a commonly used method to remotely control a Web server.

code show as below

#! /usr/bin/env python
# - *- coding:utf-8-*-import logging
import telnetlib
import time
# Telnet login authentication related
auth ={"user_prompt": b'Username:',      #Enter username prompt
" password_prompt": b'Password:',    #Enter password prompt
" enter": b'\r',            #Carriage return
" remote_enter": b'\n\r',}classTelnetClient(object):
def __init__(self): = telnetlib.Telnet()    # Telnet client
def login(self, ip, port, tel_dict):"""
telnet login
: param ip:Target ip
: param port:Destination port
: param tel_dict:Password dictionary
: return:login successful(True)or login failed(False)"""
msg ='trying to login {}:{} telnet service'.format(ip, port)print(msg)
# telnet login
for username, password in tel_dict.items():
# Create a telnet connection
try:, port)
logging.warning('%sNetwork connection failed'% ip)return False,''
msg ='try user:[{}], password:[{}]'.format(username, password)print(msg)
# Login attempt
# Waiting for the username to prompt user_After the prompt appears, enter the user name['user_prompt'], timeout=3)'ascii')+ auth['enter'])
# Waiting for the password prompt password_After the prompt appears, enter the password['password_prompt'], timeout=3)'ascii')+ auth['enter'])
# Delay two seconds before receiving the returned result, giving the server enough response time
# Get login results,read_very_eager()What you get is all the output after the last acquisition before this acquisition
command_result ='ascii')
# print('=== ', command_result)
prompt, _ = command_result.split('- ')
# print('=== ', prompt.strip())
# If there is no prompt to enter the user name in the returned result, it means that the login is successful
if auth['user_prompt'] not in command_result.encode('ascii'):print('login successful')return True
return False
def execute_command(self, command):"""
Execute some commands
: param command:Command to execute
: return: None
try:'ascii')+ auth['enter'])
# Get command result
command_result ='ascii')print('== ', command_result)
except:print('something went wrong...')
# Exit telnet, keep
def logout_host(self):"bye\r")if __name__ =='__main__':
# parameter
ip =''
port ='2570'
tel_dict ={'admin':'admin','aaa':'bbb','':''}
# Sign in
tn =TelnetClient()
tn.login(ip, port, tel_dict)
# Excuting an order
command ='ver'
# drop out

The execution output is as follows:

# python3
trying to login telnet service
try user:[admin], password:[admin]try user:[aaa], password:[bbb]try user:[], password:[]
login successful
== ver
Version :PAS_SIPPROXY_6., Compile Time:16:18:41, Feb 252020
Return value:1

The above is the whole content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study.

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