Use disk quota in ubuntu multi-user

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For multi-user ubuntu hosts, disk quotas must be set, otherwise it will be abused, causing the home directory to be full and having to change disks or expand the size.

Technical Route#

Use quota this software to manage disk quotas.

Setup process#


sudo apt install quota

Set Mounting Mode##

sudo vim /etc/fstab

Add options on the disk that expects to set quota

cat /etc/fstab


sudo mount -a


sudo quotacheck -avug

These two files will appear after scanning.

Turning on and off the quota service##

Turn on: sudo quotaon -vug /

Close: sudo quotaoff -vug /

Set quota##

Set quotas for users

sudo edquota -u quotauser1

Set quotas for user groups

sudo edquota -g quotagroup

Copy quota

sudo edquota -p myquota1  myquota2

View copied quota

sudo quota -v myquota2

View quota##

View by user


Administrator view users and groups

sudo quota -uvs quotauser1 quotauser2
sudo quota -gvs quotagroup

Manage and view user and group reports

sudo repquota -auvs
sudo repquota -agvs


Configure quota for U disk

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