Use supervisor in ubuntu

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1. installation#

sudo apt install supervisor

2. Configure a program#

The example is as follows, create redsocks2.conf under the directory /etc/supervisor/conf.d/, and add:

[ program:redsocks2]
command     =/home/wenfeng/bin/redsocks2 -c /home/wenfeng/conf/redsocks2.conf
autostart =true
autorestart =true
redirect_stderr         =true
stdout_logfile_maxbytes = 50MB
stdout_logfile_backups  =10
stdout_logfile          =/var/log/supervisor/redsocks2.log

3. Run a program#

If you just put the conf file in the /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ directory, restart supervisor for identification

sudo service supervisor restart

Then start our program

sudo supervisorctl start awesome

If supervisor encounters an error, you can view the log in /var/log/supervisor/supervisord.log;

If there is a problem with the app, you can view the log in /srv/awesome/log/app.log.

4. other#

Supervisor always exits when running ssh tunnel

[ program:gpu_ssh_tunnel]
command     =/usr/bin/ssh  -C2qTnN -D 1080 gpu_name@gpu_domin -i /home/wenfeng/.ssh/id_rsa
autostart =true
autorestart =true
redirect_stderr         =true
stdout_logfile_maxbytes = 50MB
stdout_logfile_backups  =10
stdout_logfile          =/var/log/supervisor/gpu_ssh_tunnel.log

supervisorctl status display

gpu_ssh_tunnel                   FATAL     Exited too quickly(process log may have details)

Build your own monitoring script

#! /bin/bash
	procnum=`ps -ef| grep 'your_name@your_domin' | grep -v grep | wc -l`if[ $procnum -eq 0];then
		/usr/bin/ssh  -f -C2qTnN -D 1080 your_name@your_domin -p 88-i /home/wenfeng/.ssh/id_rsa
	sleep 30

This still does not work, and the log shows Host key verification failed.

In the end, it was found that because the supervisor used the root account to run ssh, there would be a new knownhosts, so it would exit directly without entering yes to accept.

The following experiment shows that the fingerprint needs to be reconfirmed when running with sudo

sudo /usr/bin/ssh  -C2qTnN -D 1080 your_name@your_domin -p your_port -i /home/wenfeng/.ssh/id_rsa
The authenticity of host '[your_name]:88 ([your_ip]:88)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:M/7Vo2ZjnVVc********DgkZtIjrESKMIaj/rfryfDUmqc.
Are you sure you want to continueconnecting(yes/no)? yes

The solution is to log in with the root account first, or use the designated user function of supervisor in a similar process.

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