A quick introduction to Python regular expressions

Regular expressions are often used in program development, such as data (format) verification, replacing character content, and extracting string content, etc., but at present, many developers are only understanding or basic knowledge of regular expressions. Used stage. Once you encounter large-scale use of regular expressions (such as web crawlers), it can be said that you are basically blind. In this article, I will lead you to learn regular expressions using Python. Before reading this article, you need to master the basic knowledge of Python, or have basic knowledge of other development languages, because basically every language uses regular expressions in a similar way.

Zero, regular expression basics####

  1. Extract characters (string)
    Sometimes we need to get a piece of content from a string. This piece of content may be a character or a string of characters. If you use a verbatim comparison to traverse, it is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also error-prone. Then at this time we can use the character matching function in regular expressions. Regular expressions provide us with 4 character matching methods, see the following table:
Syntax Description Example matchable string
. Match any character except line break "\n" ab acb, adb, a2b, a~b
| Escaping, changing the original meaning of a character after the transferred character a[b.\]c abc, ac, a\c
[] Match any character in brackets a[b,c,d,e]f abd, acf, adf, aef
[^] Except for the characters in parentheses, all other characters match a[^a,b,c,d,e]f a1f, a#f, azf, agf
  1. Predefined characters
    The so-called predefined characters are the characters reserved for us in regular expressions to match formatted content, such as \d for matching numbers and \s for matching whitespace characters. We can use the predefined characters to quickly match the content in a string that meets the requirements. The content of the predefined character matching can also be matched by the character matching method mentioned above, but the amount of code will be relatively larger. The following table lists the predefined characters:
Syntax Description Example matchable string
^ What string to start with ^123 123abc、123321、123zxc
$ What string ends with 123$ abc123、321123、zxc123
\ b Match word boundaries, not any characters \basd\b asd
\ d Match numbers 0-9 zx\dc zx1c, zx2c, zx5c
\ D Match non-digits zx\Dc zxvc, zx$c, zx&c
\ s match whitespace characters zx\sc zx c
\ S Match non-whitespace characters zx\Sc zxac, zx1c, zxtc
\ w Match letters, numbers and underscores zx\wc zxdc, zx1c, zx_c
\ W matches non-letters, numbers and underscores zx\Wc zx c, zx$c, zx(c

The following points need to be noted in the predefined characters:

  1. Limited number
    In some cases we need to match repeated content, then we can use the quantity limit mode to operate. The quantity is limited as follows:
Syntax Description Example matchable string
* Match 0 to many times zxc* zx, zxccccc
+ Match 1 to many times zxc+ zxc, zxccccc
? Match 0 or 1 time zxc? zxc、zx
{ m} Match m times zxc{3}vb zxcccvb
{ m,} Match m or more times zxc{3,}vb zxcccvb, zxccccccccvb
{, n} Match 0 to n times zxc{,3}vb zxvb, zxcvb, zxccvb, zxcccvb
{ m,n} Match m to n times zxc{1,3} zxcvb, zxccvb, zxcccvb
  1. assertion
    Assertion, also known as zero-width assertion, refers to matching when the assertion expression is True, but does not match the content of the assertion expression. Like ^ stands for the beginning, $ stands for the end, and \b stands for the word boundary, the pre-assertion and the next predicate have similar functions. They only match certain positions and do not occupy characters during the matching process, so they are called zero-width. The so-called position refers to the left side of the first character, the right side of the last character and the middle of adjacent characters in the string. There are four types of zero-width assertion expressions:
  1. Greedy/non-greedy
    Regular expressions will match as many characters as possible. This is called greedy mode. Greedy mode is the default mode of regular expressions. But sometimes the greedy mode will cause unnecessary trouble for us. For example, we need to match the "Jack123Chen" in the string "Jack123Chen123Chen", but the greedy mode matches "Jack123Chen123Chen". At this time, we need to use non-greedy Mode to solve this problem, the commonly used expressions of non-greedy mode are as follows:
Grammar Description
*? Match 0 or more times, but repeat as little as possible
+? Match 1 or more times, but repeat as little as possible
?? Match 0 or 1, but repeat as little as possible
{ m,}? Match m or more times, but repeat as little as possible
{ m,n}? Match m or n times, but repeat as little as possible
  1. other
    The above content is commonly used in regular expressions. Let's look at the grammar that is not commonly used but is equally powerful.

1. Python uses regular expressions####

Using regular expressions in Python is very simple, the re module provides us with regular expression support. There are three steps to use:

There are six commonly used re methods in Python, namely: compile, match, search, findall, ** split** and sub, the following will explain these six methods.

  1. compile
    The function of the compile method is to convert a regular expression string into a Pattern instance. It has two parameters pattern and flags. The pattern parameter type is string type, and it receives regular expression strings, flags. The type is int, and the received is the number of the matching pattern. The flags parameter is optional, and the default value is 0 (ignoring case). The flags matching modes are as follows:
Matching mode Description
re.I Ignore case
re.M Multi-line matching mode
re.S Any matching mode
re.L Predefined character matching mode
re.U Limited character matching mode
re.V Detailed Mode

The above six modes are rarely used in actual development, we just need to understand. Using compile is very simple, as follows:

import re

pattern = re.compile(r'\d')
  1. match
    The function of match is to use the Pattern instance to match from the left side of the string. If it matches, it returns a Match instance, and if it does not match, it returns None.
import re

def getMatch(message):
 pattern = re.compile(r'(\d{4}[-year])(\d{2}[-month])(\d{2}day{0,1})')
 match = re.match(pattern, message)if match:print(match.groups())for item in match.groups():print(item)else:print("Did not match")if __name__ =='__main__':
 message ="The conference begins on January 23, 2019"getMatch(message)
 message ="Conference in 2019-01-23 held"getMatch(message)

In the code, we use the groups method, which is used to obtain the matched string groups. After arriving here, many readers will wonder why the first paragraph can match the year, month and day, but the second paragraph cannot? This is because the match method matches from the beginning of the string. The results of the code operation are as follows:

  1. search
    The search method is the same as the match method, except that the search method matches the entire string. Modify the getMatch method in the code in the previous section to match the year, month and day in the second paragraph.
import re

def getMatch(message):
 pattern = re.compile(r'(\d{4}[-year])(\d{2}[-month])(\d{2}day{0,1})')
 match = re.search(pattern, message)if match:print(match.groups())for item in match.groups():print(item)else:print("Did not match")if __name__ =='__main__':
 message ="The conference begins on January 23, 2019"getMatch(message)
 message ="Conference in 2019-01-23 held"getMatch(message)

The results of the above code operation are as follows:

[ The external link image transfer failed. The source site may have an anti-leech link mechanism. It is recommended to save the image and upload it directly (img-VmTrXNxa-1575984679614)(https://s2.ax1x.com/2019/12/03/QQ8fR1.png) ]
4. findall
The function of the findall method is to match the entire string and return all matching results in the form of a list.

import re

def getMatch(message):
 pattern = re.compile(r'\w+')
 match = re.findall(pattern, message)if match:print(match)else:print("Did not match")if __name__ =='__main__':
 message ="my name is Zhang San"getMatch(message)
 message ="Zhang San is me"getMatch(message)

The code running result is as follows:

  1. split
    The split method uses specified characters to split a string.
import re

def getMatch(message):
 pattern = re.compile(r'-')
 match = re.split(pattern, message)if match:print(match)else:print("Did not match")if __name__ =='__main__':
 message ="2018-9-12"getMatch(message)
 message ="first step-Second step-third step-the fourth step-and more"getMatch(message)

The results of the above code operation are as follows:

  1. sub
    The sub method is used to replace strings. It accepts 5 parameters, three of which are commonly used:
import re

def getMatch(match):return match.group(0).replace(r'age','age')if __name__ =='__main__':
 message ="your age?"

The code running result is as follows:

Three, summary

Regular expressions in Python are very convenient to use. The code shown above can be copied directly and used in the project with slight modifications. The content is not much, mainly to explain how to use the code, I hope everyone fully understands and masters the writing of regular expressions.

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