Python from entry to proficiency (2): Introduction to Python

1. Python Origin

At Christmas 1989, Guido decided to develop a new script interpretation language as a successor to the ABC language. ABC language is a teaching language designed by Guido, but over time, ABC language has not become widely popular due to its own closed language characteristics.

1991 In 1998, the first version of Python was born on Guido’s Mac. The reason why Guido named this new programming language Python is because he likes a TV series-Monty Parson’s Python Troupe The Flying Circus (Monty python)

The first Python interpreter written by Guido was implemented in C language and was able to call library files in C language, all also known as CPython. Use Python interpreters implemented in other languages, such as the JPython interpreter implemented in Java and the PyPy interpreter implemented in Python.

After nearly 30 years of continuous updating and improvement, Python is called an interpreted, object-oriented high-level programming language. In different fields, different projects are used by developers.

From 2012 to 2019, Python became the fastest-growing mainstream programming language used by developers and was the language of the year in the 2018 TIOBE programming language rankings.

2. Compiled language and interpreted language

Computers cannot understand or directly execute high-level programming languages. They can only understand binary-encoded machine language, that is, machine code. Before running any programs written in high-level languages, they must first translate the high-level languages into computer languages. It is divided into two types: Compilation and Interpretation. The corresponding translation tools are called compiler and interpreter.

The comparison between the two is shown in the figure below:

3. Object Oriented

Python is a completely object-oriented language. Strings, numbers, functions, and modules in Python are all objects; it fully supports the three features of object-oriented encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism; standard libraries based on object-oriented design ideas, and a large number of third parties Module.

4. Language Features of Python

Design philosophy: elegant, clear and simple

The same problem, different languages:

The author of Java programming thought commented on Python: "life is short, you need Python", translated into Chinese, it means that life is short, I use Python.



5. Trends and Applications

6 Most used software

7 Development Community

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