Docker ubuntu: install python-PIL-image environment on 14.04

Because there is a need for image analysis in the collection, now that the crawler architecture is deployed in docker, it is necessary to configure an image package in PIL, due to many errors. So record it.

The main reference links are:

PIL installation

  1. Install dependencies
    1.1 ubuntu installation
apt-get install python-dev
apt-get install libjpeg-dev
apt-get install libjpeg8-dev
apt-get install libpng3
apt-get install libfreetype6-dev
ln -s /usr/lib/`uname -i`-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib
ln -s /usr/lib/`uname -i`-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib
ln -s /usr/lib/`uname -i`-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib


sudo apt-get build-dep python-imaging

Since the header file of libfreetype in ubuntu14 is in the /usr/include/freetype2 directory, but the path used in PIL is freetype, you need to do the following

cd /usr/include
ln -s freetype2 freetype

Install PIL library

$:wget wget 
$:tar -zxvf Imaging-1.1.7 
$:cd Imageing-1.1.7 

JPEG_ROOT ="/usr/local/lib" 
ZLIB_ROOT ="/usr/local/lib" 
FREETYPE_ROOT ="/usr/local/lib"

Check whether the system environment is successfully configured:
$:cd Imaging-1.1.7
$:python build_ext -i

running build_ext
version   1.1.7
platform  linux2 2.7.6 (default, Jun 22 2015, 17:58:13)
[ GCC 4.8.2]
*** TKINTER support not available (Tcl/Tk 8.6 libraries needed)
— JPEG support available
— ZLIB (PNG/ZIP) support available
— FREETYPE2 support available
*** LITTLECMS support not available
To add a missing option, make sure you have the required
library, and set the corresponding ROOT variable in the script.

To check the build, run the script.
As long as JPEG, ZLIB, FREETYPE2 are available
Start the installation of PIL:

python build 
(My error<freetype/freetype>does not exist,Approach:cd /usr/include  sudo ln -s freetype2 freetype) 
python install

***Original article, please indicate: ** Reprinted from *URl-team

The link to this article:docker ubuntu: install python-PIL-image environment on 14.04

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