Install non-portable QQ on ubuntu

0 x01 Preface##

0 x02 ubuntu install official QQ

Download deb package and install:

The installation process is as follows:

xiaoqi@xiaoqi-ubuntu:~$ pwd
xiaoqi@xiaoqi-ubuntu:~$ wget
- - 2019- 10- 2714:21:37- -
Resolving host,,,...
Connecting to||:443...connected.
HTTP request has been sent, waiting for response...200 OK
Length: 10759392(10M)[application/octet-stream]
Saving to: “linuxqq_2.0.0-b1-1024_amd64.deb”

linuxqq_2.0.0-b1-1024_amd64.d 100%[=================================================>]10.26M  12.7MB/s time spent 0.8s  

2019- 10- 2714:21:38(12.7 MB/s)-Saved "linuxqq_2.0.0-b1-1024_amd64.deb” [10759392/10759392])

xiaoqi@xiaoqi-ubuntu:~$ ls
'2019- 08- 27 21- 04- 40. flv'                 linuxqq_2.0.0-b1-1024_amd64.deb public documents
 code_1.37.1-1565886362_amd64.deb         netease-cloud-music_1.2.1_amd64_ubuntu_20190428.deb template download
 google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb snap video music
 lede                                     teamviewer_amd64.deb picture desktop
xiaoqi@xiaoqi-ubuntu:~$ sudo dpkg -i linuxqq_2.0.0-b1-1024_amd64.deb 
[ sudo]xiaoqi's password:
The unselected package linuxqq is being selected.(Reading database...There are currently 174123 files and directories installed in the system.)
Preparing to unpack linuxqq_2.0.0-b1-1024_amd64.deb  ...
Unpacking linuxqq(2.0.0-b1)...
Setting up linuxqq(2.0.0-b1)...
Processing for gnome-menus(3.13.3-11ubuntu1.1)Trigger...
Processing for desktop-file-utils(0.23-1ubuntu3.18.04.2)Trigger...
Processing for mime-support(3.60ubuntu1)Trigger...
xiaoqi@xiaoqi-ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get-f -y install

The installation is complete, which is easier than the port version installation. The important thing is that after some systems are installed, apt-get -f install solves the dependencies!

0 x03 linuxQQ interface and test##

The interface from 10 years ago was just replaced by a QR code login!

Although the UI is ugly and has few functions. It is estimated to be temporary! It shows that Tencent is also paying attention to Linux users, it is only a matter of time.

The copyright belongs to: Lord Long Zhijie
Link to this article:
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