Tencent Cloud Ubuntu mounts new cloud disk

Buy cloud disk

Purchase a cloud disk in the same region and the same region as the server.

Purchase a new cloud disk

Mount (associate) cloud disk

After the console is successfully mounted, the status will change from orange [to be mounted] to green [mounted]

mounted to the instance

View information

Display the hard disk and its partition status. Enter the following command in the terminal window:

sudo fdisk -l

As shown in the figure /dev/vdc:100GiB

View the cloud disk information

Hard disk partition

To partition the hard disk, enter the following command in the terminal window:

sudo fdisk /dev/vdc

Enter m as shown in the figure to display a help menu

View help

Enter n after the Command (m for help) prompt and execute the add a new partition command to add a new partition to the hard disk.

When the Command action appears, enter e to specify that the partition is an extended partition (extended).

When the Partition number (1-4) appears, enter 1 to indicate that there is only one partition.

Then specify the cylinder number to complete the partition.

designated partition

Enter p after the Command (m for help) prompt to display the partition table.

The system prompts as follows:

Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type

/dev/vdc1 2048 209715199 209713152 100G 5 Extended

View the partition table

Enter w at the Command (m for help) prompt to save the partition table.

System prompt: The partition table has been altered!

Save and exit

Hard Drive Format

1、 Display the hard disk and its partition status. Enter the following command in the terminal window:

sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/vdc

Note: ext4 means format the partition into ext4 file system type.


Mount use

1、 Display the hard disk mounting status. Enter the following command in the terminal window:

df -l

Create mount point

sudo mkdir /datayanshi

Manually mount

sudo mount /dev/vdc /datayanshi

The new hard disk partition has been mounted, as shown in the red box below the figure below.

The mounting is complete

Configure the hard disk to be automatically mounted at system startup. Add the following configuration in the file /etc/fstab:

Configure auto mount at boot

This is the end of the Tencent Cloud Ubuntu system mounting a new hard disk.

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