Experience Ubuntu system CVM with free Tencent Cloud server

Experimental content###

Cloud Server (Cloud Virtual Machine, CVM) provides you with safe and reliable elastic computing services. In just a few minutes, you can obtain and enable CVM in the cloud to fulfill your computing needs. This experiment will provide you with a CVM of the Ubuntu system for free, allowing you to complete the first experience of CVM.

Experimental resources###

Free Tencent Cloud Server

Software Environment###

Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS 64 bit

Use WebIDE to experience CVM

Task time: 10min

Use file browser###

On the left side of WebIDE is the File Browser, you can use the File Browser to manipulate files on the CVM.

Use the document editor###

The upper part in the middle of WebIDE is the Document Editor, you can use the Document Editor to edit the files on the CVM selected by the File Browser.

Use shell terminal###

The lower part in the middle of WebIDE is shell terminal, you can execute various shell commands on CVM through shell terminal.

Free experience CVM

Experience complete##

Free Tencent Cloud Server

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