Aliyun Ubuntu online migration to Tencent cloud cvm

  1. Environmental inspection:

  2. Source environment (Alibaba Cloud):

(1) Pay attention to the ECS of the Ubuntu operating system

(2) There must be public network ip and public network bandwidth

(3) Check whether rsync is installed, execute which rsync command to verify

(4) Check whether SELinux is turned on. If SELinux is turned on, please turn off SELinux

(5) Check and install the virtio driver. For details, please refer to:

  1. Target environment (Tencent Cloud):

(1) Pay attention to CVM of the Ubuntu operating system

(2) Try to ensure that the target end [CVM] ( and the source end ECS are in the same area, which will accelerate the migration

(3) There must be public network ip and public network bandwidth

(4) The capacity of CVM should be greater than or equal to the capacity of the source ECS (including system disk and data disk)

(5) It is recommended to increase the bandwidth at both ends as much as possible for faster migration

  1. Upload the migration tool to the source ECS

  2. Download the migration tool locally, the document link is as follows:

Just click

  1. Install lrzsz on the source ECS

yum -y install lrzsz

  1. Upload the migration tool to the source ECS


  1. Modify the migration tool configuration file on the source side

  2. Unzip the migration kit


  1. Modify user.json configuration file

vim user.json


" SecretId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",

" SecretKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",

" Region": "ap-beijing",

" InstanceId": "ins-xxxxxxxxx",

" DataDisks": [


" Index": 1,

" Size": 40,

" MountPoint": "/root/mnt"





(1) After logging in from the Tencent Cloud console, SecretId and Secretkey can be obtained from Access Management -> Access Secret Key -> API Key Management

(2) Region represents the location of the target CVM instance, which can be found from the following link:

(3) DataDisks is optional, index represents the data disk, Size represents the size of the disk, MountPoint represents the mount directory of the data disk on the source ECS

  1. Initiate the migration

  2. sudo ./go2tencentcloud_x64

Then just wait, don’t move, at this time the destination CVM enters the migration process

  1. End of migration

  1. You can verify data integrity and business conditions on the target CVM by yourself

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