Hadoop environment construction (centos7)

1、 Use vmware to install centos7 and allow communication between the host and the virtual machine system, you can refer to the previous



2、 After the installed virtual machine system can communicate with the host, right-click the virtual machine in vmware and select Manage-Clone to clone a virtual machine

3、 In the cloned virtual machine: vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33, delete the UUID, and set a new ip address

4、 Set the host number: hostnamectl set-hostname hadoop02

5、 Bind the ip address and host number: vim /etc/hosts, add it hadoop01 (this is the ip address and host number of the original virtual machine) hadoop02 (this is the ip address and host number of this virtual machine)

6、 Similarly, set the host number in the original virtual machine: hostnamectl set-hostname hadoop01

Bind the IP address and host number: vim /etc/hosts, add it hadoop01 (this is the ip address and host number of the original virtual machine) hadoop02 (this is the ip address and host number of this virtual machine)

7、 Add in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts in windows hadoop01 hadoop02

So whether it is in windows or centos01 and centos02, it can be connected by ping host name or ip address.

8、 Configure the permissions of the user created by yourself: vim /etc/sudoers, join

Both centos01 and centos02 need to be added.

9、 Configure the java environment

(1) Create a new module and software folder in the /opt directory:

mkdir module software

(2) Modify the owner of module and software:

chown xiximayou:xiximayou module/ software

(3) First check whether the jdk is installed in the system

Uninstall already installed:

yum -y remove above name

(4) Download a linux version 1.8 jdk under windows and upload it to the software folder using xftp5

(5) Go to the software directory and unzip it into the module folder: tart -zxvf jdkxxx -C /opt/module/. Then add java to the path:

vim /etc/profile, add at the end

After making the file effective: source /etc/profile

Check whether the configuration is successful:

10、 Install hadoop

(1) Download the bin version hadoop file, upload it to the software folder using xftp5, and unzip it to the module folder

tart -zxvf hadoopxxx -C /opt/module/

Then add hadoop to the path path: vim /etc/profile

Then enter source /etc/profile

Check whether the configuration is successful:

Finally, the download address of jdk and hadoop:


Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/14AhhPYP8933tn-EfSX-i8Q
Extraction code: e90m


Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1g2MjHn6i3oELm1z7w99x1A
Extraction code: 8v09

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