IP and network settings of CentOS Linux 7 VMware

IP and network settings of CentOS Linux 7 VMware


1、 Set the ip and network of the linux virtual machine
2、 Use xshell to connect to the set virtual machine

First: change the virtual machine network adapter

①Open the control panel-network and Internet-network connection
②Find VMnet8, right-click properties, find IPv4, click properties, and set as shown below

  1. png

  1. png

③Start VMware settings, select the virtual machine, right-click to set

  1. png

④ Click Edit, click the virtual machine network editor, and make the following settings

  1. png

⑤After the setting is complete, log in to the virtual machine as the root user and enter:

ip addr
Record the string pointed to

  1. png

⑥Configure the network card, bind a static IP, and open the configuration file eno16777736

vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno16777736 

  1. png

  1. png

⑦Restart the network card service after modifying the configuration:

service network restart

⑧ Test: ping baidu.com, the following figure shows success.

  1. png
Then: use Xshell to connect to the set virtual machine######

①Download and install xshell, click file, create new, enter the host number and user name and password, and click connect

  1. png

  1. png
connection succeeded!

Feel it helpful, click like it:)!

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