Install VMware Fusion and CentOS-7 on Mac

1. download#


2. installation#

Just like installing other Mac software, double-click the app file.
Note that in the settings, in addition to opening "Install from third-party software", you also need to turn on auxiliary functions. Give it all the necessary permissions anyway.

3. Download CentOS-7


4. Load and install CenOS-7

4.1 load##

literal meaning

4.2 Settings##

The settings that need to be set, do not set all the way down. Finally choose a name and save it.

Set up

4.3 installation##

After the automatic loading is complete, select the language -> select the installation location -> complete -> start the installation -> set the root password (if the password is too simple, you need to press twice to complete) -> wait -> restart

Choose a language

Choose installation location

carry out

start installation



5. log in#

virtual machine

6. Internet access under NAT#

The VM configures the NAT network mode for you by default, and you can’t connect to the Internet just after installation:


Modify the network card file (min version under me, there is no vim at this time):

vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33

Under normal circumstances, there is no need to modify anything else, all kinds of ghosts from Baidu.

  1. confirm:
  1. modify:
  2. : wq save and exit
  3. Restart the network:
service network restart
  1. You can go online


7. yumchange source#

There is nothing in the min version, it must be yum, and it must be changed from another source.

  1. Backup base source
mv /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo.bak
  1. Download Xinyuan (Alibaba Cloud selected here)
curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo

Download quickly

Download Alibaba Cloud's yum source

  1. Clear cache
yum clean all
  1. Generate a new cache
yum makecache

8. Install VMware Tools#

At this point, a centos environment is set up, but it is still very inconvenient to use. The main reason is that you cannot share folders, you need VMware Tools, install it.
It's a bit long, I'm opening a new one.

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