Python Lesson 37-Module

  1. Module (m)

Concept: In python, the file ending with .py is called a module, which can define classes, functions, attributes, etc. in the module


1). Standard library modules: modules available in the python environment after installation, these modules are the most commonly used modules;

For example: random, os, os.path, math,...

2). Third-party modules: valuable code written by others (for the world), if we need to use it,

Just need to install via pip

3). Custom module: In the process of project development, the programmers in the team define themselves, which can be used by themselves or others

Import the module:

1). Precise import:

For example:

import time

from random import randint

2). Fuzzy import:

For example:

from math import *

from os import *

Alias the imported module or its functions and attributes:

Use the as keyword to achieve


Once an alias is created, the previous name cannot be used

Custom module:

You need to import the custom module to the current module, and then you can use the content at will

Code if name == main: The function of this code is to define the code that does not want to be loaded

" The concept of "package": package

To create a python package is to create a python package,

The role of the package: Incorporate multiple related modules to facilitate future maintenance and management

For the and pycache directories, we don’t need to pay attention to it, but don’t delete it

Third-party modules:

Open cmd --> enter pip -V (this operation checks to see if the installation is complete pip)

The main operations involved are as follows:

1). View all currently installed third-party modules: pip list

2). View the detailed information of a third-party module: pip show module name

3). Install a third-party module: pip install module name for example: pip install redis

4). Delete a third-party module: pip uninstall module name For example: pip uninstall redis

# Demonstrate the import of standard library modules
import random
from random import shuffle
from math import pi,e
from time import*from random import randint as r
import os as f
# import func
# from func import my_sum


lt=[1,2,3,4,5,6]shuffle(lt)print(lt)print(pi,e)print('I slept...')sleep(2)print('I woke up...')print(r(5,10))'''
If you alias a module or function, the original name cannot be used;
So the following code will report an error

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