Prettytable module of python


Prettytable module of python


The prettytable module of python allows us to format and print data records more clearly. Today, let's briefly look at the usage of this module.

Note: The package needs to be imported before use

from prettytable import PrettyTable

from prettytable import from_csv

If the corresponding python package does not exist, you need to pass:

pip install prettytable

To install it.

Method 1: directly add column names and data records

from prettytable import PrettyTable
import sys

# Enter rows and columns directly to arrange
table =PrettyTable()
table.field_names =["Name","age","gender","height"]

table.add_row(["Ren Yingying",27,'Female',172])
table.add_row(["Yang Guo",28,'male',175])

# Add a column
print table

The output is as follows:

+- - - - - - - - +- - - - - - +- - - - - - +- - - - - - +- - - - +| Name|age|gender|height|Grades|+--------+------+------+------+----+|  yeyz  |26|male|182|60||Ren Yingying|27|Female|172|70||Yang Guo|28|male|175|80|+--------+------+------+------+----+

Process finished with exit code 0

can be seen:

The column names can be listed through field_names

The record can be added to the table through the add_row function

You can add data records to this table through add_column

Method 2: Format the output data by loading a csv file

from prettytable import PrettyTable
from prettytable import from_csv
import sys

# Add through a file
+- - - - - - - - +- - - - - - +- - - - - - +- - - - - - +- - - - - - +| Name|age|gender|height|fraction|+--------+------+------+------+------+|Andy Lau|56|male|165|30||Jacky Cheung|50|male|65|80||Jay Chou|38|male|170|90||dawn|40|male|180|100|+--------+------+------+------+------+'''

table1 =PrettyTable()
csv_file =open('csv_file.csv','r')
print csv_file
table1 =from_csv(csv_file)
print table1

The output is as follows:

+- - - - - - - - +- - - - - - +- - - - - - +- - - - - - +- - - - - - +| Name|age|gender|height|fraction|+--------+------+------+------+------+|Andy Lau|56|male|165|30||Jacky Cheung|50|male|65|80||Jay Chou|38|male|170|90||dawn|40|male|180|100|+--------+------+------+------+------+

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