Solution to python alignment error

When running, sometimes there will be a syntax error: IndentationError: unexpected indent

You can use the following methods to solve:

First display the spaces, where the spaces are replaced by dots

Modify the tab to represent 4 positions

Then the format is aligned.

Example extension:

How to fix text alignment

Hello everyone, I am a newbie in python, and I encountered a problem in an exercise problem.

The requirement of the title is to print out and align the list.

Input data:

tableData =[['apples','oranges','cherries','banana'],['Alice','Bob','Carol','David'],['dogs','cats','moose','goose']]

Required output data (right-aligned first row, left-aligned others):

 apples Alice dogs
 oranges Bob  cats
cherries Carol moose
 banana David goose

Below is my code

""" Below is the code body"""
tableData =[['apples','oranges','cherries','banana'],['Alice','Bob','Carol','David'],['dogs','cats','moose','goose']]

def printTable(tableData):
 # The following is to find the length of the longest string of each inner list
 colWidths =[0]*len(tableData)for i inrange(len(colWidths)):
 colWidths[i]=len(sorted(tableData[i], key=(lambda x:len(x)))[-1])for x inrange(len(tableData[0])):for y inrange(len(tableData)):print(tableData[y][x].rjust(colWidths[y]), end=' ')print('')  #Wrap


The output is (all right aligned):

 apples Alice dogs 
 oranges  Bob cats 
cherries Carol moose 

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