Python error handling assert detailed explanation

Assert is the meaning of assertion, which is interpreted as: I conclude that there will be such a result after or before the execution of this program. If it is not, then throw an error.


assert expression [, arguments]
assert expression[, parameter]

**Example: **

def foo(s):
 n =int(s)
 assert n !=0,'n is zero!'return10/ n

def main():foo('0')Traceback(most recent call last):...
AssertionError: n is zero!

The meaning of assert is that the expression n != 0 should be True, otherwise, according to the logic of program operation, the following code will definitely go wrong.

If the assertion fails, the assert statement itself will throw an AssertionError:

You can use the -O parameter to turn off assert when starting the Python interpreter

Supplementary knowledge: assertion exception in python

The assert in python is the simplest exception mechanism

**The basic syntax of assert is: **

“assert” expression1 [“,” expression2]

expression1 is used to determine the generation of a Boolean value. When expression1 is false, an exception is thrown. The content in [] is optional, that is, the user can select the prompt value of the exception:

 assert a==23
 assert a==23Traceback(most recent call last):
 File "<stdin ", line 1,in<module 
 assert a==23,"error1"Traceback(most recent call last):
 File "<stdin ", line 1,in<module 
AssertionError: error1

The above detailed explanation of python error handling assert is all the content shared by the editor. I hope to give you a reference.

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