I failed to install Vitis 2019.2 on Ubuntu 16.04 and received an error message.
Ubuntu 16.04 installation of Vivado 2019.2 failed error message
Check the size of the hard disk, the system disk still has 168G, and the installation directory /opt/Xilinx still has 587G, all of which are sufficient.
$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev 63G 0 63G 0%/dev
tmpfs 13G 244M 13G 2%/run
/dev/sda2 439G 249G 168G 60% /
tmpfs 63G 112M 63G 1%/dev/shm
tmpfs 5.0M 05.0M 0%/run/lock
tmpfs 63G 0 63G 0%/sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda1 511M 3.7M 508M 1%/boot/efi
/dev/sdb1 1.8T 1.2T 587G 67%/opt/Xilinx
tmpfs 13G 24K 13G 1%/run/user/108
tmpfs 13G 36K 13G 1%/run/user/1001
tmpfs 13G 28K 13G 1%/run/user/1000
Check that the md5 value of the file Vivado 2019.2 is correct.
$ md5sum Xilinx_Vitis_2019.2_1106_2127.tar.gz
d63bae9cad9bcaa4b2c7f6df9480eaa6 Xilinx_Vitis_2019.2_1106_2127.tar.gz
Check the size and md5 value of the file rdi_0143_2019.2_1106_2127.xz. Compared with the normal file installed under Ubuntu 18.04, it is also the same.
$ ls Xilinx_Vitis_2019.2_1106_2127/payload/rdi_0143_2019.2_1106_2127.xz -l -h
- rw-r--r--1 hankf hankf 4.2M Nov 716:11 Xilinx_Vitis_2019.2_1106_2127/payload/rdi_0143_2019.2_1106_2127.xz
$ md5sum Xilinx_Vitis_2019.2_1106_2127/payload/rdi_0143_2019.2_1106_2127.xz
6 e82a2dc4449a3354e347eac0e99dccd Xilinx_Vitis_2019.2_1106_2127/payload/rdi_0143_2019.2_1106_2127.xz
Turn off the firewall, or the installation fails.
$ sudo ufw status
[ sudo] password for hankf:
Status: inactive
After performing the following steps, the installation is successful.
Delete the ~/.Xilinx (i.e. /home/users/<user_name>/.Xilinx) directory.
Remove the /opt/Xilinx/.xinstall directory.
Delete the ~/.local/share/Xilinx (i.e. /home/hankf/.local/share/Xilinx/) directory
Remove the DocNav (under /opt/Xilinx/DocNav and /opt/Xilinx/.xinstall/DocNav)
Remove the Xic (under /opt/Xilinx/xic and /opt/Xilinx/.xinstall/xic)
For insurance, you can search for "DocNav" and "xic" in the user directory and the installation directory, and delete all their directories.
This may be caused by previous incomplete installation of DocNav or xic.