Installation of deb package under Ubuntu

deb is the installation format of debian linus, very similar to the rpm of red hat, the most basic installation command is:

dpkg -i file.deb

dpkg is the abbreviation of Debian Package. It is a package management system specially developed for Debian to facilitate software installation, update and removal. All Linux distributions from Debian use dpkg, such as Ubuntu, Knoppix, etc.
Here are some common usages of Dpkg:

1、 dpkg -i  <package.deb>
Install a Debian package, such as a file you downloaded manually.

2、 dpkg -c <package.deb>

3、 dpkg -I <package.deb>
From<package.deb>Extract package information from.

4、 dpkg -r <package>
Remove an installed package.

5、 dpkg -P <package>
Completely remove an installed package. Unlike remove, remove only deletes data and executable files, while purge also deletes all configuration files.

6、 dpkg -L <package>
List<package>List of all files installed. Also see dpkg-c to check one.The contents of the deb file.

7、 dpkg -s <package>
Display information about installed packages. Also see apt-cache displays package information in the Debian archive, and dpkg-I to show from a.Package information extracted from the deb file.

8、 dpkg-reconfigure <package>
Reconfigure an installed package if it uses debconf(debconf provides a unified configuration interface for package installation)。

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