Analysis of Hyper-V installation CentOS 8 problem

CentOS 8 has been released for a long time. As a member who has been tossing about the Linux virtual machine, I am missing.

Environment & preparations


Hyper-V installs Cent OS 8 and selects Server with GUI to turn on the black screen. The official website says:

Note: Do not choose a server with a GUI as your basic environment. There is a known issue that will prevent the graphical desktop from starting.

ChooseWorkstationon the left underBase Environment
Then, chooseContainer Management, Development Tools, and Graphical Admin Tools.

Select the second generation when creating the VM, and a white screen prompts to restart after booting.

This is to set the secure boot to the UEFI certificate issued by Microsoft after the VM is shut down.

Finally, why I download OS in REHL so slowly. . . . . .

to sum up

The above is the Hyper-V installation CentOS 8 problem introduced by the editor. I hope it will help you. If you have any questions, please leave me a message. The editor will reply to you in time. Thank you very much for your support to the ZaLou.Cn website!
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