CentOS 7 install Mono and MonoDevelop

[Original from: http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2015-01/112350.htm]

Mono was installed several years ago, but has never been used again. I recently purchased a new server and want to install another one. I installed the latest CentOS 7.2 first, and then followed the searched articles. Unfortunately, almost unsuccessful, the package dependency analysis of some sources was interrupted, and finally found With the above article, all the steps are now listed:

All operations this time are in root mode

  1. Execute rpm --import "http://keyserver.Ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x3FA7E0328081BFF6A14DA29AA6A19B38D3D831EF"

  2. Execute yum-config-manager --add-repo http://download.mono-project.com/repo/centos/

1- 2 Add the resource environment used by mono installation

  1. Execute yum install mono and follow the prompts to install all the installation packages

  2. Install libgdiplus

a. mkdir /var/local/src

Create folder

b. cd /var/local/src

Enter to create file

c. wget http://download.mono-project.com/sources/libgdiplus/libgdiplus-3.12.tar.gz

download file

d. tar -zxvf libgdiplus-3.12.tar.gz

Unzip the downloaded file

e. cd libgdiplus-3.12

Enter the unzipped folder

f. ./configure

Configure the installer

g. make && make install

Compile and install

  1. Install gtk-sharp

a. cd /var/local/src

Enter to create file

b. wget http://download.mono-project.com/sources/gtk-sharp212/gtk-sharp-2.12.26.tar.gz download file

c. tar -zxvf gtk-sharp-2.12.26.tar.gz

Unzip the downloaded file

d. cd gtk-sharp-2.12.26

Enter the unzipped folder

e. ./configure

Configure the installer

f. make && make install

Compile and install

  1. Install monodevelop yum install monodevelop

[The installation step 6 was unsuccessful, and the source code dependency resolution failed]

7 , Test the mono environment:

[ root@CentOS Test]# mono -V
Mono JIT compiler version 4.2.1(Stable Thu Nov 1204:43:41 EST 2015)Copyright(C)2002-2014 Novell, Inc, Xamarin Inc and Contributors. www.mono-project.com
  TLS:           __thread
  SIGSEGV:       altstack
  Notifications: epoll
  Architecture:  amd64
  Disabled:      none
  Misc:          softdebug
  LLVM:          supported, not enabled.
  GC:            sgen

8 , Run a .net test program:

[ root@CentOS Test]# mono dotNetTest.exe
OS version: Unix version: 4.0.30319.17020

Hello,test program

Finally solved the problem that has plagued for nearly a day.

9, upgrade Jexus

After consulting the author of Jexus, he said that online upgrades can be supported. The method he gave is posted below:

The simple way is to update to 5.8.1 online, then download 5.8.1 on windows, after decompression, upload the exe and dll in the data folder to the jexus folder of the server, overwrite the file, and then:

sudo ./jws stop

sudo killall -9 mono

sudo ./jws regsvr

sudo ./jws start

The command for online upgrade is:
sudo curl jexus.org/5.8.x/upgrade|sh
Note: This command can only be used for the path where jexus is installed in the /usr/jexus folder. In addition, the upgraded version is 5.8.0

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