Detailed explanation of the implementation steps of Python interface development

1. Operation steps

  1. Import: import flask,json
  2. Instantiation: api = flask.Flask(name)
  3. Define the interface access path and access method: @api.route('/index',methods=['get/post/PUT/DELETE'])
  4. Define the function, pay attention to the same as the name of the path, set the return type and support Chinese: def index(): return json.dumps(ren,ensure_ascii=False)
  5. Three format input parameters access interface:
    5.1 Enter parameters in url format: flask.request.args.get('id')
    5.2 Input parameters in form-data format: pwd = flask.request.values.get('pwd')
    5.3 josn format input parameters: pwd = flask.request.json.get('pwd')
  6. Start the service:,debug=True,host=''), after opening the service, you can access the interface through ip+port+path+input parameters

2. Source code example

#! /usr/bin/python3
# encoding:utf-8import flask,json
# Instantiate the api, treat the current python file as a service,__name__Represents the current python file
api = flask.Flask(__name__) 

# ' index'Is the interface path, the methods are not written, the default get request
@ api.route('/index',methods=['get']) 
# get access
def index():
 ren ={'msg':'Successfully visited the homepage','msg_code':200}
 # json.The ascii encoding used by default for Chinese during dumps serialization.You need to specify ensure if you want to output Chinese_ascii=False
 return json.dumps(ren,ensure_ascii=False)

# Post entry access method 1: url format parameters
@ api.route('/article',methods=['post']) 
def article():
 # URL format parameters?id=12589&name='lishi'
 id = flask.request.args.get('id')if id:if id =='12589':
  ren ={'msg':'Successfully accessed the article','msg_code':200}else:
  ren ={'msg':'No article found','msg_code':400}else:
 ren ={'msg':'Please enter the article id parameter','msg_code':-1}return json.dumps(ren,ensure_ascii=False)

# Post entry access method 2: from-data(k-v) Format parameters
@ api.route('/login',methods=['post'])
def login():
 # from-data format parameters
 usrname = flask.request.values.get('usrname')
 pwd = flask.request.values.get('pwd')if usrname and pwd:if usrname =='test' and pwd =='123456':
  ren ={'msg':'login successful','msg_code':200}else:
  ren ={'msg':'wrong user name or password','msg_code':-1}else:
 ren ={'msg':'username or password is empty','msg_code':1001}return json.dumps(ren,ensure_ascii=False)

# Post entry access method 2: josn format parameters
@ api.route('/loginjosn',methods=['post'])
def loginjosn():
 # from-data format parameters
 usrname = flask.request.json.get('usrname')
 pwd = flask.request.json.get('pwd')if usrname and pwd:if usrname =='test' and pwd =='123456':
  ren ={'msg':'login successful','msg_code':200}else:
  ren ={'msg':'wrong user name or password','msg_code':-1}else:
 ren ={'msg':'username or password is empty','msg_code':1001}return json.dumps(ren,ensure_ascii=False)if __name__ =='__main__':,debug=True,host='') #Start service
 # debug=True,After changing the code, there is no need to restart, it will restart automatically
 # ' host=''Different IP access address

operation result

  • Serving Flask app “restful” (lazy loading)
  • Environment: production
    WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
    Use a production WSGI server instead.
  • Debug mode: on
  • Restarting with stat
  • Debugger is active!
  • Debugger PIN: 249-915-285
  • Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Three, postman access interface

get mode, access interface without parameters

Post mode, url format input parameter access interface

Post mode, form-data format input parameter access interface

Post mode, josn format input access interface

The above is the whole content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study.

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