UBUNTU 16.04 LTS experience (commemorating LINUX-25 anniversary)

UBUNTU 16.04 LTS experience (commemorating the LINUX-25 anniversary)

Canonical officially released Ubuntu 16.04 LTS at the end of April. This is a long-term support version. The official said it will provide technical support for up to 5 years (including regular updates/Bug fixes/security upgrades) until April 2021.
For some reasons, I have always rejected the desktop version of Linux, and I have been using Centos 6.5. After using Ubuntu 14.04, I feel that Ubuntu, which is famous for its desktop environment, is nothing more than that. However, after getting started with 16.04, I instantly felt a sense of surprise. The first thing I saw was that the launcher was placed below. To be honest, I don’t think the UI design of Ubuntu is so beautiful. I prefer the Metro style of Windows 10. The flat design is the mainstream. What really attracts me is the qualitatively improved user experience of Ubuntu , Whether from the overall fluency or the improvement of details.

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS official mirror download:
32 Bit: http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-16.04-desktop-i386.iso
64 Bit: http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS brings some exciting new features and changes, supports the international mainstream ARM64 architecture, strengthens the desktop experience and Chinese support, and adds the WeChat web version. Let’s talk about some new features of Ubuntu 16.04:

  1. The Linux 4.4 version of the system kernel is adopted, and almost all system applications have been upgraded
    Including LibreOffice 5.1.2, Mozilla Firefox 45.0.2, Python 3.5, OpenSSH 7.2p2, PHP 7.0, MySQL 5.7, GCC 5.3, Binutils 2.26, Glibc 2.23, Apt 1.2, GNOME 3.18 Stack, and supports the installation of snap format.
    These pre-installed applications have imported the WebKit2 engine, and the original Ubuntu software center is no longer used, instead of GNOME Software in the GNOME Stack, but the name has been changed to Ubuntu Software, and the GNOME calendar has been added by default. Due to legal restrictions, Ubuntu cannot integrate "out of the box" MP3, MP4 and other multimedia file decoding support, but you can manually install Ubuntu Restricted Extras after the system is installed to obtain the media decoder.
    Upgraded from Ubuntu 14.04 LTS released in 2014, the new version provides the same concise new features and applications. For example, Unity Dash no longer enables online search by default, and users of earlier versions must manually close it.
  2. Further upgrade in driver
    AMD’s official fglrx graphics driver and xorg.conf have been removed. It is recommended to use the open source Radeon and AMDGPU, and the source code of the new version of the open source driver has been reversely imported from Linux to provide a better experience.
    Ubuntu 16.04 supports most Nvidia and Intel display hardware "out of the box", of course, you can also install free open source drivers or other closed source drivers. If you want your Ubuntu PC to get the best display performance, you should install a proprietary graphics driver suitable for your graphics card. For example, if you plan to play the latest Steam games or use heavy GPU applications in Ubuntu, you must install the latest proprietary Linux graphics driver. After installing the adapted graphics card driver, Ubuntu can get a very smooth unified desktop experience and a higher frame rate during gaming.
    You can choose to install the graphics card driver in the "Software and Updates"-"Additional Drivers" tab. For gamers who use Nvidia, you can install the Nvidia driver for Ubuntu through PPA.
  3. Little change in appearance
    The system icons and Unity interface have been slightly adjusted to support high DPI cursor zoom.
    Since Unity was first released in Ubuntu 11.04, it has been fixed on the left side of the system. But starting from Ubuntu 16.04, users can manually choose to display the Unity bar on the left or bottom of the desktop. There is currently no way to move it to the top or right. There are two methods. You can install the Unity Tweak Tool graphical interface tool and configure it in "Unity"-"Launcher"-"Minimise", or directly use the following command in the terminal to enable:
gsettings set org.compiz.unityshell:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/ launcher-minimize-window true

to sum up:

Ubuntu is making continuous progress. Although it is unlikely to replace windows, as more and more domestic users have gradually developed from open source software users to open source software participants, contributors and leaders, this It is even more an opportunity for the domestically produced operating system that is innovated on the basis of this. It is hoped that domestic operating systems can seize opportunities, integrate resources, and develop their own intelligent terminal operating systems.

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