Install Surelog on CentOS8


Surelog is a Pre-processor, Parser, and UHDM Compiler that supports SystemVerilog 2017. It can be used as a front end for syntax checking, simulation, synthesis, and formal verification tools.

The installation instructions on the official website are based on Ubuntu, However, the names of the dependent packages of Centos and Ubuntu are different. The following is a record of my installation process on Centos8. I hope it will be helpful to fans.

One, install the compilation dependency tool##


tar -zxvf cmake-3.18.0.tar.gz
cd cmake-3.18.0./bootstrap
make install



yum install pkgconf-pkg-config


yum install swig


yum install libuuid-devel


dnf install
dnf install gperftools-devel


yum install java-11-openjdk-devel



yum install tcl


yum install python3
yum install python3-devel

2. Download and compile Surelog

**Download **

git clone
cd Surelog
git submodule update --init --recursive


make install

Three, test##

Test One

surelog -help

Test two

cd build
surelog -writepp -parse ../tests/UnitElabBlock/top.v

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