Linux01 install centOS6.5mini

In the world of programmers, I must leave the Linux environment, and the distribution of centOS is the version we often contact, so this article will introduce you to the installation of centOS6.5.

Software preparation#

The address of the software needed in this article:
Extraction code: m8jc

If the link fails, you can contact by private message

VMWare installation#

Just install it directly. No difference from ordinary software installation

Linux installation#

Prepare the corresponding iso image file##

This article installs the mini version, first it can only be executed by command, and then this version only installs the most basic functions, which is convenient for beginners to add various functions.

Specific installation##

Create a virtual machine instance###

In the main interface, choose to create a new virtual machine

Associate system later

Pay attention to the correct operating system version to be installed

The name of the virtual machine after specifying the saved path

The next step is complete. Successful installation

Edit virtual machine instance###

Select the instance we just installed

Associate the iso file we prepared before

Save ok

start installation###

Click to turn on this virtual machine. In this step, some children's shoes may report errors and solutions. Reference this article

Just select the first item, wait...

At this step, you may not see the following interface. One of the reasons is that the size of the content is set to 1G during editing. Don't reduce it first, because the memory is too small to support the graphical interface setting, pay attention!

Choose Chinese

set password

The installation is successful! ! !

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